Soulmate Part 1.

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I know it's been a million years since I updated, I'm truly sorry but I am updating now. This is dedicated to SolangeloShipper21 for the prompt and I really hope this turns out the way you imagined it. Normal A.U.


As I starred down at my wrist I saw the numbers tick down. TWENTY FOUR HOURS. This means that I would meet my soulmate tomorrow. I guess there will be a new kid at school. I can't wait to meet him. Yes I said HIM. Yeah that makes me gay, glad we figured that out, woo! ((If you understand that reference I will love you forever.))  I can't wait to go to school tomorrow. Dam, I never thought I'd say that. I hope I won't be to shy to talk to him. (I'm an introvert.) Oh great, now I'm worried about tomorrow. I guess I should draw. That usually helps calm me down. I flip through my sketchbook and look at the drawings I have. They're all of the same face. Bright blue eyes, medium nose, great jawline, a little bit of freckles, and shaggly blonde hair. I wonder why I draw him? I draw for about an hour then decide to go to bed; I was much too excited to sleep though. 

***********Time skipz*********** The next day.

I woke up to the sound of my step-mom calling me from downstairs. I get up and start to get ready for school. I throw on a black hoodie and jeans. I brush my teeth and as I'm walking down the stairs, a thought stops me dead in my tracks: I'm meeting my soulmate in an hour. I'm so nervous but I don't think my step-mom noticed, or if she did, she didn't say anything.

I walk outside and to the bus stop. Once the bus gets here I get on and go to my usual seat. Except.... Except there's someone there. That someone looks exactly like my drawings. I look at my wrist again: 0.0.0.

"H-hi, umm, you're kinda sitting in my spot. But maybe we can share?"

"Sure, yeah, sorry. I'm Will Solace." He moved over so I could sit.

"Nico. Nico Di Angelo." I say as I sat down.

"Don't take this in a weird way, but I feel like we've met before. Have we?"

"No we haven't. Butivedrawnyouforevernowandweresoulmates." Nice going Nico.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

I sighed. "I, kind of, have been drawing you forever now, and that we-we're soulmates."

"Well I know that, Sunshine."


"From the way you looked at me when you got on and when you looked at your wrist." He lifted up his wrist too. "See? 0.0.0"
He grabbed my hand and held it all the way to school. And I spent the whole time blushing.

When we walked in he said, "You have to show me your drawings sometime."

"Oh I don't know-" I started.

"C'mon, I'll show you mine of you."

"Ok, fine." *Bell rings* "I'll show you at lunch. Bye." I pecked his cheek and ran to English. I sit in my seat. Five minutes later, guess who walks through the door? Will. Freaking. Solace.

Hi, so I know y'all probably hate me right now for leaving for so long. And it's not because I didn't have ideas; because I did. I really just didn't have the motivation. But I'm back now, hopefully. So if any of you lovely people have any ideas,  please feel free to comment them or PM me!!! Word count: 632. Well, that's all for now, and I will see all of you lovelies next time.  Until then, *insert Troye Sivan winking* byyyeeee!!! ((Oh also before I go the art above was drawn by one of my best friends named Aaron.))

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