Not knowing what to do

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  In my head all I could think about was throwing on clothes and telling him to go to bed then once he's asleep I'll go to bed but before I could do that he stood up and looked at me
"You look beautiful mommy "
I started blushing badly not being able to get out any words because how embarrassed I was.
"Can I have a kiss?"
I nodded because I wanted a kiss but at the same time I didn't want to say anything then I feel his lips against mine it was like heaven. I pulled him close and kissed him with love and passion. Well at least until I noticed I was still half naked and my baby boy had a little friend between his legs coming up to say hi. So I pulled away and told him to get to sleep because it's late and way past his bedtime.

   So I tucked him into bed trying not to mention his little parts. Until as I'm walking away he grabs my hand and says.
"Hey mommy I have a little problem "
I cross my fingers hoping it's not what I  think it is. "What is it baby boy "
He immediately points to his little parts. "I didn't mean to let it happen it just did"
"Well what do you want me to do about it " I say staring into his eyes.

-hey I'm back from Disney land and if you could leave a comment on different ways you want this to turn out that would be very appreciated have a nice day everyone 😊

Mommy's little Dino continued originally by monsterkitty12Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang