Its official

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He texted me right when he got home so I could know he got home safe.
"Thank you for the update now you should probably go to bed it's late "
"Okay good night "

When I woke up I saw my phone was being spammed by him just being cute and begging me to take him to Disney on ice. So I told him I'd think about it and went to shower.

When I came back to my bedroom I saw his text saying he already bought the tickets and wants me to go with him so I said yes.

Almost a week later it was time for Disney on ice. I got to his house an hour early to make sure he was ready. He opened the door in his Dino footies and his face bright red
"I'll be ready in a second " he said before walking away and coming back in a prince shirt and jeans "okay I'm ready to go miss Hailey" I smile "okay Danny I'll drive "

After we get there he pulls me inside and grabs a seat right in front bouncing around. It took me a while to calm him down (because if you are a little or have a little you know that calming them down can be pretty difficult.) The show started a couple minutes after and every time a different character would come on Danny would tap me and ask if I knew who it was.

The show was over and we walked back to my car. "Thank you for taking me Hailey I had fun "
I smiled "Any time little one "
His eyes lit up with joy then he asked "do you think you're ready to be my mommy because I've been waiting a long time and you seem perfect and..."
I stopped him mid sentence and kissed his forehead. "I'll be your mommy but when we get back to your place we will have to discuss the rules and everything so you can always be my good little boy"

On the ride back he was rambling about everything in his life and smiling from ear to ear. Nothing could compare to the joy he must have felt.

Mommy's little Dino continued originally by monsterkitty12Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora