chapter 16

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"Say something please!?"
"You are michael jackson? The best singer of all time a idol to the world?"
"Yes thats me Cindy!"
"How why "
"I became a teacher since i love children so so much and music so what would be better then putting the two together?"
"But i never thought something like this would ever happen..."
"Ya but i just cant believe this i am dating michael Jackson!"
"Yes but..."
"Yes yes...."
"I need to go!"
"Why what wait!"
"I need time to process this please Michael!"
"Ok sure take all the time you need."

I hugged him and ran off my way home. I wiped the tears falling from mg eyes while i ran to my house.when i got home i jumped face first onto the bed.

I cried and cried for hours and hours you think i would be happy i am in a relationship with my idol...not at all and i have no idea why.

Michaels pov

I drove back to Neverland and i was silent in my car all the way home.i had nothing to say the hole way home.
When i got home i just walked into my room.

I just sat there looking out the window while the rain was pouring down outside.i don't know whats gonna happen now but i hope everything goes well.

Monday school

Still michaels pov

"Morning class how is everyone doing?"
"Good and you sir?" Said Lukau
" where is Cindy?"
"Oh sir she hasn't shown up t school i don't know if she is late or sick?"
"Ya well if she is sick i hope she gets well soon"

Cindy's POV

I just have this huge gray cloud hanging over my head.i have been so depressed lately i haven't stepped out off my room at all. I have been eating ice cream the hole day.

I just don't know what to say about this.i stood up and looked at my wall. I touched the posters if michael on my wall and started crying. I held the posters and just stood there.

I revived a text message from michael on my phone

Hey how are you i really really miss you and remember i will always love you!❤

I closed the text and looked out my window and said to my self that i miss him.the only problem is it could be bad dating a huge star like him.

Should love him.

Hey michael can we meet at the place you told me you were you tonight again at 8?
Ya sure anything!
Kk bye

I put done the phone and went to wash up a bit before tonight. I don't know what i am gonna say or whats gonna happen.

Michaels POV

I am on my way to our spot in a suit. I have never been so nervous in my life for anything. I drive up to the parking and stopped.i fixed my self in the car mirror and walked out.

I saw her sitting there looking at the moon.u sat down next to her.

"So you wanted to talk?"
"Yes....michael you know i love you with all my heart no matter who you are...and i am just worried about being with a huge star like you!"
"Oh no problem we will hide you from the press! Anything for you!'
"Michael i just need some time to think please!"
"Ok sure!"

I got up and ran while taking the tears off my face. I got in the car and drove home crying all the way home.when i finally got to my house i threw my face into my bed

Music Lessons- Michael Jackson Fanfiction #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now