chapter 14

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2 days before the Mj show

Cindy's POV

"Ok guys so we need to start talking about my video seriously ok?"
"Ok so lets go through it again..."said Maddie
"Alright so i am making a documentary on our experience of the Mj show i will be filming today,tomorrow and the day we go. I will also film the car ride and while we get ready. If anything special at teb show happens to me you guys will film same goes for me with you guys"
"Alright seems fun!"
"Also don't say anything rude in the tape i don't want to have to blur out that to!"
"Ok no problem!"
"Great guys oh there's the bell!"
I grabbed my bags and walked over to the next class witch was English . mr Jackson was actually off of school i hope he is not sick on michaels show.

Michaels POV

The shows in two days and i am really nervous. Not about the show oh no i never am i am scared about Cindy and her friends coming. What happens if i mess up on stage or ....wait she doesn't know its me so i guess its ok.

I am still working very hard just to get this show perfect since i know she is coming to watch.i am so sleepy but i have to go on.

Cindy's pov

I got home and i just threw my bags on the couch and sat there like a lazy sleepy person and then i remembered i have to record for the documentary.
I pulled out my camera and started.

"Hello there guys its two days before the michael Jackson show and its my first time going to one of his shows.i am very happy and i am a huge fan and this is the documentary of the michael Jackson concert experience!"

I stopped the camera and thought of what should i video now.then i remembered i wnated to make a poster for the concert. I went into my art room and pulled out all my art supplies for this project.

I had paint , glitter ,paper and so much more things .i had some pictures of Mj and i started up the camera again.
"Ok guys now i am gonna make an Mj poster for the show and its gonna be reay big so hopefully he will notice me and ya so lets start!"

I put down the camera and started making the poster and i recorded the hole thing.when i put the video together i would make the process faster. When i was finally done i went to go wah up and came back and held the camera in my hand and said...

Ok guys that's it and here is the final result
I turned the camera and showed them the poster. Once i SAS done i switched off the camera and i let the poster dry off.i don't actually know what to record now. So i just decided to make me some supper.

I had a delicious chicken salad with some ranch dressing over it it was actually really good. I sat there just thinking about how it would be at a michael Jackson concert the rush through my body.

I think i will not be able to sleep tomorrow night just think about the concert on the next day.

Days of the show

"Ok guys its the day of the show and i am here with Maddie and maziko and we are getting ready for the show we are so ready!"

We went in to my bathroom and i set up my camera to start recording us again,in the video i will speed up the process. Then we were done and i model my outfit for the camera.

I was wearing a black jeans and white michael Jackson thriller shirt also around my waist was a red check shirt.i was all ready to and i recorded everything.

We got into the car and i recorded the drive there i was so exited to see my idol for the first time

Music Lessons- Michael Jackson Fanfiction #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now