Just the Start

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I was in shock. I had never expected Zayn to be on one knee in front of his family asking me to marry him. Well maybe I had entertained the thought of it happening because of course Zayn is the only person in this world I would ever consider spending my life with, but this is soon. We are both barely passed 21 and fresh out of college are we really ready to get married? My thoughts were causing a riot in my brain and I had lost control of the tears that were now falling down my cheeks. I let out a shaky breath when Zayn's calloused thumb brushed against my soft skin. To the average person there is no doubt in my mind that they would wonder what the two of us were doing as a couple. Zayn is tall and lanky with dark hair, caramel eyes and covered in ink where as I'm short and curvy with emerald eyes and not a trace of bad girl in my system. I finally averted my eyes back to the amazing man in front of me. there was no inkling, no feeling that would ever say that this wouldn't work. When I look into Zayn's glowing orbs I see my future, my future with him, our future together. This was meant to be and everyone in their right mind knows it. my eyes scanned the room and Zayn's two sisters were hugging tightly watching, waiting for my answer and his mom's reaction hardly differed. Her hands were clasped as if she were praying for the desired answer they all expected. I smiled brightly to all three faces and swallowed back tears and took hold of my prince charming's hands.

"yes!" I blurted out proudly earning laughs and cheers from all of the family especially Zayn.

I was hoisted off the chair into the familiar arms that were going to hold me until the end of time. He kissed me softly and spun me around. Everyone in the house was cheering and rejoicing because they knew we belonged together. His little sisters squeezed my legs and I bent down to hug them back. Zayn was embracing his mother and she was shedding tears against his chest. This was how it was supposed to be, so much love and acceptance. Finally his mom made her approach to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, dragging me into her. I could feel every tear, warm against my skin.

"You'll take care of my sunshine won't you love?" she asked after she pulled back from me.

"Of course, he may be your sunshine but he's my prince charming." I managed to choke out before my sobs got the best of me.

Zayn's comforting arms snaked around my waist pulling me back against him. His familiar plump lips kissed lightly against the warm skin just below my ear.

"And your my Cinderella." His low voice growled.

After spending the most of the evening enjoying the company of Zayn's family we decided to call it a night so Zayn could get much needed rest before his audition tomorrow. However, once we made it up to Zayn's old bedroom, he had different intentions. I walked in the room and noticed the numerous boy band posters on the wall and couldn't help but laugh. Zayn was not the boy band type or at least his personality didn't feed you that signal. The door was sharply shut behind me causing my body to turn with the loud noise. Zayn was sauntering over to me with a new kind of hunger building in his eyes. My nerves were getting to me know and my feet felt frozen as he approached me. He used his head to nudge mine over to allow himself greater access to my neck. Soft kisses trailed down my jaw and became rougher once his mouth reached my collar bone. Zayn sucked and bit at the skin on my collar bones and used his long fingers to push my shirt off of my shoulder. His body was pressed against mine and he used his strength to back my frozen state back onto the bed. We toppled down lightly against the mattress earning a chuckle from Zayn that was muffled by the contact of our lips. Not an inch of my body was left untouched by Zayn's comforting hands. The hands that were in a desperate in this heated moment were also the hands that held my own through my most desperate times. I felt at the mercy of Zayn and his amazing lips as he shed me of my shirt. Our lips hardly parted but when they did his connected with any piece of skin he could manage. His toned skin gleamed under the ray of moonlight that managed to creep in through the bedroom window; he looked like an angel, my angel. We spent a great deal of our night in bed just kissing and touching, never wanting to part. I could tell Zayn was growing painfully hard and needed to have some sort of release. I was ready for this, beyond ready.

"Zayn..." I panted. "I need you." I breathed between kisses.

"You sure?" he growled with lust.

"Y-yes." I whimpered growing nervous.

Zayn's caramel orbs glowed against my own emeralds and I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else. Zayn was my one and only. He lined his member up with my entrance and with one deep thrust he filled me up. A harsh combination of pain and pleasure coursed through my veins. A tight knot formed in my stomach as Zayn held still allowing me to adjust. He dipped his head down to wash away my discomfort with his intoxicating kiss. Each thrust Zayn inflicted brought more pleasure than pain. The room was filled with sighs and passion. This was how making love was supposed to feel. Zayn's thick accent cooed 'I love yous' and 'beautiful' while he continued to grind his hips into my own. His breath came out in shorter puffs and I could tell we were both close. I felt Zayn twitch and release inside of me before he pulled out allowing us both to recover. Heavy breathing broke the silence until Zayn's voice accompanied it.

"You are incredible." His voice rasped from pleasure.

"You're better." I breathed barely making words.

With a kiss to my cheek I was pulled as close as I could get to my fiancé. His limbs became heavy against my torso and his breathing slowed.

"How did I get so lucky?" his sleep saturated voice drawled into my ear giving me goose bumps.

I don't believe luck was even the place to begin. Tomorrow marked a new chapter in my life and in my life with Zayn. I was soon to be Mrs. Malik and that was the best reward I could ever ask for.

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