Too Responsible to Party

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Hey guys! sorry my chapters are so short. Thanks to those of you that actually read this story! please let me know what you think of it!

“So let me get this straight, he works with you now?” Rae asked loudly as we walked into class.

“Shhh Rae, not so loud!” I bit back.

“Sorry I just can’t get over the fact that the guy that you have the biggest crush on, now works with you!” she exclaimed as we took our seats.

“I know I can’t believe it either!” I replied.

“What are you going to do about it?” Rae asked concerned.

“I have no choice I will just work with him, it doesn’t mean we have to be friends.” I explained. But I wasn’t sure if I was trying to convince Rae or myself.

“So are we still on for the party tonight?” she asked changing the subject.

“Yes I get off at eight so I will need time to change after.” I answered, Annoyance hinting in my voice.

“Why don’t you just come over to my apartment after work, you can borrow some of my clothes.” She offered.

I nodded in agreement as I began to prepare for class, trying to keep my mind on the party and off of Zayn.

“Maybe you can invite your coworker to go to the party with you.” Rae winked and looked down towards Zayn’s seat.

I followed her eyes down to where he was. Zayn always dressed in dark clothes with dark chinos and black boots or high tops, not that I noticed. His hair was always perfectly groomed even when it was at its messiest. Today he had on a black leather varsity jacket that covered up a maroon t-shirt accompanied by his usual dark chinos. He watched the floor as he made his way to his seat. He must have felt my stare because just before he sat down he glanced in my direction. His caramel brown eyes met the gaze of my emerald orbs and a smirk crept to the corner of his mouth. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I looked away abruptly. I was caught yet again.

It was impossible to focus on my class with all that was going in my mind. I had no idea how I would handle work today and my interest in the party was waning. Finally class was over and I could make my way to work, hopefully I would be on time today.

I was in the break room ridding myself of my belongings and clipping on my name tag when Zayn walked in. I tried to ignore the fact that he even existed but of course that was impossible. I slammed the door to my locker in frustration and hurried past Zayn. I grabbed the clipboard and hurried into the cat room. I was checking over the list of patients and guests when Zayn walked in. I rolled my eyes and continued doing my job. He started cleaning litter boxes while I did my best to keep the silence going.

“So are you going to the party tonight?” he asked looking towards me, awaiting my response.

Gosh his voice was so gruff and sexy. Why was he making ignoring him so hard?

“No.” I lied.

“Well it’s probably not your type of crowd anyway.” He replied with a smirk.

“We have finals next week and I really should study instead of getting drunk on a Friday night.” I added onto my lie.

“Someone is a goody-goody two shoes.” He teased.

“No I just like being responsible.” I snapped at him as I walked out of the room.

I was not a goody-goody two shoes but because I had lied to him, I prayed that I didn’t run into Zayn at this dreadful party.

By 9:30 Rae and I were changed into short party dresses and parked across the street from the party. She was touching up her lip gloss in the rearview mirror as I was fluffing my hair in my own mirror.

“Are you sure this dress isn’t too small?” I asked, closing the mirror.

“No babe you look super-hot!” Rae responded.

“Couldn’t we just go see a movie or something?” I asked growing painfully nervous.

Rae just glared over at me and opened her door. I sighed deeply before I exited the vehicle behind her. We walked across the street and with every step I could feel the music thumping in my chest. Various screams and bouts of laughter exploded through the loud roar of the music. The smell of alcohol permeated the air making me nauseous as soon as the smell hit my nose. Rae grabbed my wrist and tugged me up the stairs behind her as we arrived at the door of the house. The music was so loud it caused my heart to throb under my ribs. We pushed through the crowd and finally arrived to a keg where a guy thrust a red plastic cup into my hand. I took a gulp of the golden liquid hoping it would calm my nerves. I looked around and realized I was now alone.

“Typical Rae.” I mumbled under my breath as I pushed my way back through the bodies.

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