Show Me Off

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The event was more elegant than I had ever imagined it would be. It was held in a large ballroom and was filled with decorated tables complete with a large dance floor. A band played soft music as we entered the large room. I was in awe; this was the first time I had ever been to such a classy event. Zayn never let go of my hand from the second we stepped out of the car. He was being extra precautious with me tonight and it made me feel like I was important but at the same time I didn’t want to be controlled. I shook off the feeling of negativity that had suddenly surfaced and followed Zayn over to a group of high class people. Zayn introduced me to everyone in the group and I smiled at each one as I shook their hands. He was introducing me to everyone as his girlfriend, which at first felt a little odd but I accepted the title. Since my brother’s death I hadn’t opened up to anyone like I had with Zayn. Part of me was terrified that he would abuse the privilege but the other part wanted him closer.

We were seated at a round table with a few other couples who we made small talk with the majority of the evening. I did my best to keep up with the conversations but I couldn’t help but feel out of place. Zayn had a constant hold of my hand or placed soft touches on the remainder of my body. He didn’t care who say and maybe that was the point of it all. The kisses he pressed to my cheek and forehead were all part of showing me off as his girl. Only a few couples lingered on the dance floor during the night and desperate for a change in scenery I decided to convince Zayn to dance.

“Let’s dance.” I whispered into his ear.

An innocent by stander would have thought I asked Zayn to cut off his foot by the reaction. I could tell that dancing was a touchy subject with Zayn so I decided to just take initiative and make him dance. I pressed a soft kiss to his cheek and guided him behind me to the dance floor. I found a spot without many people and stopped in front of Zayn so we were facing one another. He was as stiff as a board and had a look on his face that would have sent anyone’s heart over the edge. I had never seen him look so scared or vulnerable. Once the new slow song started I reached for his hands, placing them on my hips as I wrapped my own arms around his neck. I decreased the distance between us and placed my forehead on his shoulder. I could tell Zayn was still tense when I looked up into his sparkling eyes.

“Don’t be so tense. Just relax and follow my lead.” I whispered.

He nodded as his eyes met mine again. I led us around the corner of the dance floor slowly enough so Zayn could catch on to the motions. After a couple of songs Zayn’s arms relaxed around my waist as we continued to sway to the music.

“You are so beautiful.” He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

His words sent warmth through my bones as he pressed our lips together in a deep kiss. When we pulled away he grasped my hand and led me away from the dance floor. We stopped in front of a long white table scattered with glasses of champagne and various other drinks. Zayn grabbed a glass and offered me one but I denied it.

“I’ll be right back I need to use the ladies room.” I announced before I left Zayn’s side.

I pushed the large door open to a marble bathroom. There was a tall thin woman with blonde hair standing in front of the mirror applying something to her lips. I paid no attention to her as I walked into a stall. I locked the door behind me and heard the woman began to talk to another figure in the bathroom.

“Did you see Zayn Malik tonight?” the tall blonde said.

“Yeah he’s looking hot but what’s with that little rat attached to his arm.” The other girl responded.

I realized that they knew who I was and were talking about Zayn on purpose and then it hit me. The blonde girl did seem familiar and I knew exactly who she was, Perrie. I felt trapped in some sort of high school drama as I understood her motive.

“I think I will just go show him what he’s been missing by being with that little slut.” Perrie voiced directly at me.

“If you don’t get him then I will.” Her friend added.

“He deserves so much better than her.” Perrie bit.

Without warning I felt tears begin to creep down my cheeks. Obviously Perrie wasn’t happy about me and Zayn being together and her words slammed into the soft spot of my heart. I knew what she was saying was true and the part of me that doubted it all suddenly gripped me harder. I stood in the stall as tears ran down my face and the two girls exited the bathroom.

I had to find Zayn I had to tell him that Perrie was right he deserved so much better than me. I was already broken and how could I ever think Zayn would be enough to fix that. I let myself out of the stall and rushed for the bathroom door. Just as I pushed it open the image on the other side shattered what was left of my broken heart.

Perrie had her hands on Zayn’s shoulders as he was pressed against the wall and her lips were pressed to his. Neither one pushed away when I opened the door which told me Zayn wasn’t trying to even push away. The tears began to spill down my cheeks faster as the situation unfolded in front of me. I had to leave I had to get far away from Perrie and far away from Zayn but my feet were frozen. I felt numb with pain and I couldn’t stop the tears. Finally Zayn pushed Perrie away and stared deep into my eyes with the eyes I used to trust in. he saw the hurt on my face but before he could get close to me I began to run.

I ran through the ballroom and down the stairs that led to my escape. I nearly fell when my shoe fell off as I neared the bottom of the stairs. I didn’t bother to go back for it I just kept going until I was close enough to the street to hail a taxi. As one approached I heard a familiar voice call out behind me.

“Ava! Ava wait!” Zayn pleaded.

I climbed into the back of the taxi finally away from the situation but it only made me hurt more. How could Zayn do this to me? Did he even mean anything he said? My mind raced and my heart crumbled with the combination of anger and hurt. I got home and hurried up to my room wanting nothing more than to be in my bed and away from Zayn. I put on some of my brothers clothes and climbed under my bulky convers where my pillow would catch all my tears but the pain was still wrenching my heart.

Zayn’s POV

I noticed Ava had been gone for quite awhile to the bathroom and I began to worry. I walked down the hallway to check on her and noticed the girl’s bathroom door open. Thinking it was Ava I hurried over to the open door only to see Perrie exit the bathroom. I felt trapped once her eyes were set on me. I kept my intentions set on getting around Perrie and finding Ava. I made it to the door but unfortunately Perrie cut off any hope of me reaching it.

“Hey Zaynie, miss me yet?” she shrilled.

“No. have you seen Ava?” I asked knowing she wouldn’t answer.

“You mean that little rat of a girlfriend you dumped me for?” she bit.

“She’s not…”

I was cut off by her lips crashing to mine. I didn’t kiss back I refused to but I didn’t have the nerve to push her away from me. Just as I began to fight back falling victim to her kiss, the door of the bathroom flew open. I jumped in my skin when my eyes met Ava’s. The hurt flashed across her face quickly and my heart sank as I finally pushed Perrie away. I opened my mouth to speak to her but Ava broke into a run.

I pushed Perrie hard away from me and gave her a deep glare because I lacked the words to describe how much I hated her in that moment. She just responded with one of her famous evil smirks as I turned to run after Ava. I knew if she got away tonight there would be a definite fight to get her back. I reached the top of the stairs and saw Ava struggling down the last few stairs and out the door. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs stopping when I noticed one of her shoes on the stairs. I scooped up the discarded shoe and continued after her. I burst through the door and found her hailing a cab on the curb.

“Ava! Ava wait!” I shouted but it was too late.

I watched as she rode away from me and I knew I would have to fight to get her back. But I knew that she would be worth it.

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