Bailed Out

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Ava’s POV

That night I arrived home later than expected, wanting nothing more than a really hot shower and a good night’s sleep. The events that had occurred that morning were swirling around in my head and I felt emotionally and physically drained. I could feel the tears I had bottled up swelling just behind my eyes as they threatened to fall but I refused to let myself cry over Zayn. The steamy water eased the pent up anger that was trapped in my tense muscles. After my shower I grabbed an oversized t-shirt and a pair of black leggings from my closet and went into the kitchen to find myself something to eat. The only thing I managed to find in my bare pantry was ramen noodles but it would have to do until I could make a dreaded trip to the grocery store. Just as I sat down on my couch to eat dinner my phone began to buzz against the wood of my coffee table. I picked it up to look at the number on the screen but frowned at the unknown number. I pressed the speaker to my ear and answered the phone call.

“Hello?” I answered into the silent receiver.

“Miss McCall?” a soft voice questioned.

“This is her, may I ask who is calling?” I asked concerned.

“This is Michelle from Beacon County prison.” She explained causing my heart beat to speed up.

“Can I h-help you?” I managed to stammer.

“We have a Zayn Malik in our custody, he was involved in a little scuffle at a bar and needs a ride home.” She continued.

“W-why did you call me?” I nearly snapped at the mention of Zayn.

“Mr. Malik is quite intoxicated but when we asked him who we could contact to get him a ride he gave us your name.” she answered.

“Oh right well I… I will be right there.” I blurted out before I hung up.

What on earth was going on? Why was Zayn at the prison over a little scuffle? But more importantly why in the world was he calling me for a ride? I grabbed up my bag and keys and hurried to my car.

I drove for about 15 minutes before I arrived at the prison. The parking lot was dark and deserted with the exception of a few police cars and one dim light. I tucked my head and hurried into the building and out of the spooky parking lot. The automatic doors slid open and I hurried over to a large unattended desk and looked around for someone to help me locate Zayn.

“Can I help you?” a woman asked from behind me, causing me to spin around.

“I-I'm looking for Zayn Malik.” I answered starting to become really nervous.

“Are you Miss McCall?” she questioned.

“Yes.” I nearly whispered.

“Follow me.” she ordered as she turned to walk down a long hallway.

I could hear my heart thumping in my ears as I continued to follow the gruff woman leading me to Zayn. I had never been to a prison before and I began to wonder if this was Zayn’s first visit too. She walked into a room with large windows and stood in the doorway blocking my view of the room.

“Mr. Malik your ride is here.” The large woman said as she moved out of in front of me.

Zayn stood with his back to us staring out a window but once he heard us enter he turned to face us. I was a little taken back at what I saw and felt a gasp escape my lips. Zayn’s face was covered in cuts and blood was smeared on his cheek from his nose. His shirt was torn around the neck and the knuckles of his right hand were cut up and bloody. I had never seen Zayn look so terrifying. I was scared to let him into my car but I had no choice I couldn’t just leave him here. He grabbed his leather jacket, stumbled over me gripping my wrist in his hand and pulled me out of the room behind him.

We arrived at the parking lot and Zayn started to stumble off down the sidewalk in the opposite of my car.

“Zayn where are you going?” I asked as I ran over to him, grabbing his arm.

“Home.” He spat as he turned around to me.

His eyes were dark and glossy with a gaze that sent a chill down my spine.

“No you aren’t. You are coming with me.” I demanded as I led him to my car without even a complaint.

The car ride was quiet and Zayn refused to make eye contact with me the whole way. We arrived to my apartment and I managed to get both of us up the stairs and to my home safely. I pushed the door open entering my apartment and hurried over to flip on a lamp in the living area. I spun around to see Zayn still standing in the door way observing the interior of my apartment. His swollen bottom seemed to pout as his eyes looked up from the floor to meet mine with a childlike smile holding on his lips.

“You can come in you know.” I teased as I walked back over to the door to shut and lock it behind him.

“Let’s get you cleaned up.” I stated, grabbing his hand and leading him over to my couch.

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