Don't Leave Me

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Ava’s POV

My eyes fluttered open as a ray of sun escaped through the shields of the blinds meeting my face. My body felt heavy with sleep and medication and I longed to be in my own comfortable bed again. Everything seemed like a dream. One second I was arguing with Zayn in my bedroom and the next second I'm being told I was in a coma for three days. I scanned the unfamiliar confines of the hospital room hoping to find some company. Once I was fully awake my ears picked up on the sound of someone’s light snoring. In the seat of the window an unmistakable figure was slumped against the wall in a deep sleep. His hair peeked out from under a dark green beanie and scruff from the absence of a good shave outlined his chiseled cheekbones and jaw. He looked so peaceful, like he hadn’t slept in days which made me wonder if he hadn’t. I had dreams that he was holding my hand constantly at my bedside while he sang to me and confessed his love for me a million times over but when I woke it seemed to me as if the dream was real. Had Zayn been by my side this whole time and he did really confess all those things to me? Just as I was getting lost in my thoughts the door creaked open and my mom entered my room.

“Oh thank goodness you are awake.” She gushed as she moved closer to my side.

“Hi mom.” I managed but my voice was still weak from the ventilator.

“You gave us quite a scare.” She said with a quiver in her voice.

“Has he been here all day?” I asked turning my questioning back to Zayn.

“Probably so, I just got here when you woke up so I'm not sure how long he has been here. Poor thing finally went home last night for a decent shower after you woke up. It’s good to see he’s finally getting sleep. Poor dear has been in this hard chair every second singing you every song he’s ever known I'm sure.” She explained.

Emotions flooded over me and much needed tears escaped my eyes. I didn’t dream anything that happened during my coma it was all real. Zayn did sing to me and confess his love while I was unconscious. My mom confirmed that he hadn’t left my side the whole time and he is back now which proved that he wasn’t here only for my unconscious state but until I got better. Just like that a memory of the night before clouded my vision.


I could make you happy; make your dreams come true.

Nothing that I wouldn't do.

Go to the ends of the Earth for you,

To make you feel my love

I heard the voice sing beautifully into the nearly silent room over powering the beeps of machines. I felt the familiar hand gripping onto my hand and I knew for sure it was Zayn. I used all my power to squeeze his hand back. A loud thud of a chair pulled me even more awake to hear the soft soothing voice of my boyfriend. Everything was in the past and I knew he loved me because he must have told me a million times since I squeezed his hand. I opened my eyes to meet his beautiful caramel orbs and wipe away the tears that were streaming down his face. He looked so relieved to have me awake and I was so happy to finally see his face and tell him I loved him too.

“I love you too Zayn.” I managed to whisper faintly.

End of Flashback

I did love him. I loved Zayn so much. I knew that things all worked out for the best and neither of us was meant to give up during all our tough times. It might have happened fast but sometimes feelings can hide and it takes something big to bring them to light. I was truly and deeply in love with Zayn this was a new beginning for us.

9 Months Later

“Zayn! Where are my black sweats?” I shouted, digging through the laundry basket for what felt like the thousandth time.

“I folded them and put them in your drawer this morning.” he called back from the living room.

Sure enough they were folded and put away just like Zayn said. Since my hospital scare the treatment for my leukemia was going well but I still wasn’t free of the disease. There hasn’t been a day that Zayn has been missing. He is always over at my apartment taking care of me or cleaning, it’s like having my own personal assistant. With the aggressive treatment I have been receiving I don’t have much energy to do much of anything. Zayn occasionally lets me venture to the grocery store with him or we go for evening walks through the park to keep me from losing my mind completely. He cares enough to be here constantly but not too much to the point of smothering me. Lately he has been around so much I am thinking about just asking him to move in, not just because I get free house cleaning and transportation to all my doctors’ visits but because I love him and having him around all the time is comfort for me.

“Did you find them?” Zayn asked from the doorway pulling me from my thoughts.

“Yes I did. Thank you for folding them.” I said as I finished pulling on the sweats.

“Anything for you.” He said with a smirk and a wink.

His eyes trailed from the sweats up my body and locked with mine. Zayn’s eyelashes were my envy and his eyes looked amber when he smiled. I felt his eyes on me constantly and being sick and pale with thinning hair made me even more self-conscious.

“What?” I questioned with a slight giggle.

“You look good in a dress but even better in my sweat shirt. Pair of sweats and your messy hair is fine with me. Perfectly healthy or sick as a dog you are still cute to me. You are my perfect ten baby.” He confessed almost poetically.

I'm sure I stood there grinning like an idiot until I felt his breath on my neck and his arms around my waist. Zayn was a touchy feely kind of guy but instead of being grabby or disrespectful of my space he always made sure he had my body wrapped up in his in some way. We could stay in each other’s embrace for hours if we wanted but I knew Zayn’s embrace would be something I would feel forever.

“No need to butter me up Malik you already have my heart.” I joked.

“And you have mine too Ava, from the start.” He responded with a serious tone.

“I love you Zayn, don’t ever leave me.” I nearly pleaded with tears seeping through his shirt.

“I love you too Ava and I promise I will never ever leave you.” He promised.


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