Chapter 9

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Kaet sat alone on the couch aboard the Fifth Wind. Stunned and shocked best fit her emotions now.

When they had regained their vision and the building had stopped shaking, and Kasm had vanished.

She had seen her father begin to rise, a look of bewilderment on his face, and had jumped on him, beating him till her bonds broke off, and continued until knuckles bled.

The Titan Corps guards had to pull her away, taking her father into custody. 

Elm had been taken to a medical wing to evaluate the extent of his injuries and Vell, after having the blood from Slates soldiers hosed off him and being disinfected, had followed him.

Her brother had quickly arrived and took her to be checked by the doctors. 

Her now bandaged knuckles still throbbed, as she ran one hand slowly over the other.

The Titan Corps had been gracious enough to fix Kasms ship, and word of his apparent passing spread quickly.

Within a couple hours, the Crao had gathered their ships into their large base ship, waiting for Kaet and the others to join them, hovering just outside of Austrorths orbit.

She could not help the emptiness she felt with the next thought. 

Kasm, someone she just met a few days ago; someone she believed she was beginning to have true feelings for, had been killed. 

So many times, she had acted the role of lover or flirt, but this time, there was no denying the pain and guilt.

She tried to be positive, but she knew he had been disintegrated. Turned to ash and dust before her very eyes, and her father could never repay that debt.

Once they were cleared by the medical staff, they flew up and into the Glitchers ship, accompanied by a ship with the Titan Supreme.

As they stepped out, they were greeted by Rowan.

"You must be Kaet." He said, shaking her hand and greeting the rest of them as they exited the ramp. 
"Ah Trish!"  He ran up, and wrapped his arms around her in a big hug as she disembarked, much to the displeasure of the two guards following her. 
"Long time not no see." 

She blushed a little, brushing back a strand of blonde hair from her eyes. 

"Almost seven whole years since I was last onboard. Of course, that was back when me and Kasm were still a thing." 
Kaet looked over to Mrax. This was news to her.
"Those won't be necessary." He told Trish, indicating to the guards. 

While they weren't armored, they still had their weapons on them. 
"Consider them extra party guests." 

He shrugged and motioned for them to follow him.
"The heroes have arrived!" He announced as they walked into the open celebration hall. Cheers went up at the shout.
"We aren't heroes." Kaet told him flatly. 
"I think the billions still alive on Austrorth would disagree with you." Trish told her, the starts of a smile forming.

"Do you always celebrate death?" Kaet asked, prompting Mrax to elbow her. 
"The Glitchers will celebrate just about anything, as long as drinking is involved." 

"I hear that." Elm said, perched on Vells shoulder.
Rowan offered them each a drink, even Vell, whom, Elm informed him, didn't drink. 

They took the drinks and sat at an open area with couches and chairs of all sorts. 
Before he sat and joined them, Rowan raised his drink. 

"To Kasm. No finer a warrior have we had. The lords of the afterlife should feel blessed to welcome one such as he among them." 

A silence ensued as the entire Crao crew and the guests drank, then they went right back to celebrating.
"A bit morbid, isn't it?" Elm asked Rowan.

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