Chapter 1

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23 years ago, a portal from a distant realm opened into our universe. It was a desperate attempt to ensure the survival of two infant princes, each sealed in a special pod designed to withstand the effects of space and any weather conditions it should encounter. 

One of the princes was deathly ill, having had a rare element called Draxamite injected into his blood to keep him alive. The other, had a three-fingered hand burned on his left forearm, a permanent reminder left by the fire demons whom they were escaping.

A rift in the portal separated the two pods, not only in location, but also in time. 

The scarred prince was sent to a little planet, later known as Earth. He arrived in a time when 

Earth was covered in monsters and beasts. Found by a farmer and his wife, the boy would grow to be a mighty warrior and king. But this is not his tale.

The sickly child was sent to what would've been modern times, and landed on a little planet called Phangle. 

Barely a day passed before this child was found by a band of the greatest mercenary group in the known galaxies, the Glitchers. This cell of Glitchers was known as the Crao, and were led by a green skinned man named Rowan.

The boy would grow under Rowan's guidance, and, when he came of age, was tested and trained in the ways of the Glitchers. 

His training is noted as being retained better than any known. Most trainees usually found a fighting style and weapon they would specialize in, allowing the rest of their training to fade as they became known for a certain skill set. 

This boy however, remembered and could use almost all that he was shown, becoming one the deadliest Glitchers known at such a young age. 

After showing his abilities in a battle that would become legend among the secreted groups, he was granted a Glitcher codename, one that spread quick. Enemies shuddered at it; allies cheered when it was spoken. 

He was called Apokalith.

22 years ago, on the planet of Baza, a young girl was born to a king and queen, their second child. Their first, her brother, age four when she was born, stood by and held her first, before even his mother. 

During the next eleven years, they learned both the art of politics and fighting, under the gentle, but stern eyes of their father and mother. The king and queen ruled over the entire planet, and had many smaller ones within the reach of their solar system that they were considered rulers of. 

On a visit to the world ruled by the Titan Corps, a galactic police force of a sort, the mother fell ill of an unknown sickness. The king took her back and used up all the resources he could muster trying to find a cure but to no avail. After two months of fighting against the illness, their mother passed in her sleep.

They grieved, but the father took the loss extremely personal. He blamed the Titan Corps, who had given him no aid to find a cure. His hatred became enough that he built a bomb, intent on taking out the Titan Corps. 

The children discovered the bomb before it was completed and attempted to dismantle it. 

During the ensuing skirmish with their father, the bomb exploded. 

The boy lost his right arm in the explosion, later replacing it with the best neuro-bionics money could afford. 

The daughter was bathed in radiation, to the extent that the mystics and doctors of the local star systems finest planets, including those of Austrorth, took two months to clear her. 

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