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Harry are serious right now.

Harry what are you doing.

Harry stop the car right now.

You DO NOT want to find where this guy lives and beat his ass, do you?

Okay, maybe you do a little bit for Jameson, but this is bad.

This is gonna be real bad.

These were my thoughts after I found his address online and began driving to his home.
I just felt numb, I wasn't scared, I wasn't angry, I wasn't worried about consequences. All I knew is that I was driving to his house and was gonna beat the shit out of him.

House number 67,69,71,73,75,77... Almost there.

House number 85 on Candlewood Drive... Here's where the devil lives.

I pulled up but waited for a minute and just observed the house. It wasn't  nice, wasn't well kept either. It was white with shingles that were just tilted and almost falling off. The white paint wasn't chipped, a recent attempt at making the house not look like a complete disaster. I could sense it wasn't just him who inhabited the place. But I no longer worried about getting ganged up on once I did attack the shit out of him, which was unlike me. I felt truly numb.

I felt numb when I opened my car door. I felt numb when I closed it behind me. I could only hear my boots clicking on the pavement as I walked towards the door and knocked. I felt numb when the man I had to shoo off that beat up Jameson opened the door. His automatic expression showed that he remembered me, his automatic reaction showed that he had deep hatred for me. He grabbed my neck and attempted to throw me to the ground. But yet again I felt numb when he screamed in my face and demanded to know why I was there, if it was because I wanted to steal his other "hoes". At last I felt numb when I knocked him square out with one punch, and when he hit the ground is when I regained any feeling again.

I looked down at him, with disgust, anger. But then, an overwhelming sense of pity for this angry, pathetic man. He would never be fulfilled but that wasn't anyone's fault but his. That's why you shouldn't take the love you do get for granted, sir.

But that's the only moment in which I felt anything, at least for a while. Because as I walked away towards my car, all feeling was once again lost to the wind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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