Friend's "house"

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The hospital was a sight I did not like getting used to. The dreadful white brick building with a neon cross made me sick. I can't believe how cowardly I was when I came to see Liam last time. I have to be strong this time. For him. Well, here goes nothing.

I take a deep breath and head inside the hospital and did my check in with the receptionist (this time not the rude one, thank goodness). I start to Liam's room and my heart's racing and my mind is picturing a very weak Liam with all the tubes and the IV in him. My heart's already breaking all over again before I walk in the door.

Like last time, he's lying there not looking at me but now his eyes are closed. I know he's asleep and thankfully my presence didn't wake him up. I slowly make my way to his bedside and just stare at him. He looks drained and like a zombie version of himself. This isn't Liam, my mind tells me for a minute, until my heart corrects me with a yes, it is, Harry. I look at his features harder than I ever have before, the few freckles he has, his birthmark, his David Beckham-like hair that hadn't entirely fallen out. He could've been a great father, I think to myself, a great husband to a woman that would be forever happy with a man like Liam by her side. I remember always being jealous of Liam's selfless ways and the amount of maturity he has and now it's all going to waste as he lies here waiting to die. Why do I get to survive and someone who has so much potential gets to spend their last months knowing they're gonna die soon? Life really isn't fair.

I couldn't bear my thoughts anymore and I pull over a chair to his bedside and try to think of other things as I sit there next to him. I wonder how Jameson is. I'll visit her tomorrow, I think to myself as I try and find a comfortable position in the chair.

I slowly start to drift off but before I do, I remember my last thought being goodnight Liam.

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