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I woke up and it was dark out the window. I must have fallen asleep when I sat down next to her. Earlier,  when I had knocked, she was asleep and so I quietly sat in a nearby chair and pulled it close to her bed. I watched her take shallow breaths, watched her chest rise and fall and I listened to the peaceful breaths she took. Sleep, to my belief, was the only time she wasn't on edge. She moved her hands so they lay on her stomach and then her face turned towards me. I just watched her for a while and I noticed how soft her skin looked and how her long dark hair lay across the hospital pillow. She was quite beautiful. I also noticed she had a scar on the corner of her left eye. Thinking about that and all her cuts and bruises made my heart break. "I'm here", I whispered, "I'll protect you".

Hours passed and she finally woke up. He eyes fluttered open and she looked at me right away.

"You're awake," I smile.

"Yeah, I guess I am," she half smiles, seeming groggy.

"Want anything to eat? I can go grab you something," I offer.

"No, no, it's alright, thank you so much though, Harry," she sits up.

"What's your favorite animal?" I ask out of the blue.

"A tiger," she smiled at me. My heart warmed because she sounded so innocent when she said this, like a child.

"Mine's a lion," I say. She smiles at this too.

Suddenly, I get a text from mum saying that she wants me home. I reply with a quick okay and stand up.

"My mum needs me for something right now, but I promise I'll be back," I say.

"Thanks, Harry," she says.

I smile, walk out of the room, and shut the door.

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