Princeton:A Christmas Baby !

Me;Singing All i want for Christmas Is Having my Baby

All i Want for Christmas

Christmas With my Baby..

Prodigy:You Suck

Me:No I'm The BOMB.You suck. Sticks tongue out

Twist sleep on a Black Bean Bag Slobbing.

Merc:Jessie Better get yo man.Drooling all ova the Place!

Everybody start laughing

Me:Well, I gotta go take a shower!

Ray;Same Here.

Jacob:They Bout to get it in

You;No were not

Ray:Night Guys


We leave Out

Merc:Well,Prince wanna go watch some t.v with me

Prince:Sure Princess!


They leave

Roc:Jake,Diggs,Prod I'm going to Sleep

Prodigy:yeah let's Hit the Haysack!

Jessica:Night Guys!


They Walk Out

Jessica:Wake Up Twist

She starts shakng Him

Twist:Huh? what?

jessica;Ewww All That Slob

Twist:Shut up.Where everyone?

Jessica:Going to bed

Twist:Come On Let's Go to bed too


He get's up and they Go to Bed

With me

I Picked out my pj's and layed them out on my Bed.Then Went into the Bathroom and Saw Ray Shower already on but he wasn't in it.I went to my Sink and Looked in the Mirror and Put up my Hair.Then Ray walked in With His Towel Around His Waist.

Ray:Wanna Join me



Me:Maybe Tmrw ..

I turned on my Water and Stripped down

Ray:Sexyyyy Runs over to You and Start Kissing your Neck

Me:Laughing Ray get off!

Ray;But i don't want to !

Me:You have to

Ray:Fine Sticks tongue out and goes into HIS shower

Me:giggles and get in MY Shower

We got out  at the same time 20mins later...Then We walked to our Rooms

I Put On My Orange Long Sleeve Shirt,Aero Sweat Pants Rolled Up under my Knee's and Put on my Orange Socks!..Then Went over to Ray Room.

When i Walked In Ray Room I Saw Him Cuddled up With His Domo Hat Watching T.V.

Me:aww Why don't yu ook adorable

Ray:I'm not your friend

Me:Why what did i do? Lays next him

Ray:You wouldn't let me play with you?

Me:Giggles Maybe Next time Okay?

Ray:Okway Smiles and Grabs my Waist and Held me Tight

Me:I Love you Ray

Ray:I Love you tooo Haliey

We Kissed the Fell Asleep

1;45 a.m

I woke Up.Tried to go to my Room But Ray Had a tight grip.UGH THIS BOY.



Me:Let me go I'm going to my bedroom

Ray:mhm(Like No)..Tighting his Grip


Ray:Still sleep but let's go

Me:Thanks I love you Pecks His Lips and Went to My Room and Went to Bed !

Twisted Love Story *Diggy,Twist,MB,Jacob,Etc*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ