Chapter Ten

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Jonah and Alexander followed Katherine, who led around the edge of the throng of people.

"We're getting close to those footprints," she whispered back at them. "See? They're in front of that building."

Jonah remained silent as he gazed toward the building, which looked to be a small store. Sure enough, a line of glowing tracer footprints led away from the entrance and around the side of the building. Jonah glanced behind himself and saw his own tracer footprints, although they weren't as obvious due to the hard-packed dirt of the road.

"See?" Katherine said. She pointed to the corner of the building, where the footprints led. "Let's follow them."

"But look," Alexander said, halting Katherine. He squatted down to examine their shape in the soft dirt on the side of the road. "Whoever made them was walking towards the building, and since there aren't any tracks leading out, I'd say he's still inside."

"He's right," Jonah realized. He took a deep breath and continued. "I'm going in there. You two can wait for me out here. Then we won't get in each other's way, you know, if something happens."

Katherine frowned, clearly unhappy. For a moment he thought she was going to argue, but instead she simply handed Jonah the Elucidator, and together she and Alexander walked over to the window to peep.

Jonah peered inside and slowly stepped up to the door, which had been left ajar. After he stepped inside he realized why. It's so hot in here, he thought as he wiped sweat from his forehead. As he glanced around the small store, he saw the checkout counter to his right, along with several shelves holding everything from fruits and vegetables to thread and fabric throughout the rest of the store. The only people in there were dressed in colonial clothes: a boy on the far side picking through the potatoes, a woman picking out a length of fabric, and a man who stood behind the counter counting money. JB was nowhere in sight.

Maybe he's hiding? Jonah thought, a bit disheartened. Careful not to make the floorboards squeak, he tiptoed around the side of the counter and stuck his head under to check. Nothing.

Unwilling to give up so easily, Jonah began looking behind the shelves, but there didn't seem to be anybody capable of making tracers in the store, aside from himself. What's going on here? he wondered. Something's not right.

"Good day, lad," said the man behind the counter as the boy approached and set down his potatoes. "How does your brother?"

"Brother James is well," the boy replied as he handed the man some coins.

The woman who was picking out fabric had paused and was watching the conversation at the counter. Before Jonah had time to wonder why she was eavesdropping, motion near one of the windows caught his eye. Katherine was waving at him.

What's going on? she mouthed.

Jonah stepped out from behind a shelf and shook his head at her.

Jonah snapped his head back to the counter after hearing a loud gasp. The boy with the potatoes was shaking and staring at Jonah. Not at me, through me, right? He must've heard me take a step, Jonah decided, holding completely still.

"Look! A man!" he cried, pointing at Jonah.

You shouldn't be able to see me!

The store owner glanced between the boy and Jonah, frowning. "There is nothing there. Hurry to thy house, Mr. Hamilton. We'll have none of your trouble here."

He said Hamilton!

"'tis different now!" Frightened, the boy dropped his things and dashed out of the building.

It took everything Jonah had not to shout, "Wait!" and chase after him.

He could see me! He must be the one that was swapped with the real Alexander Hamilton, Jonah realized. We've got to follow him!

A/N: I'd like to ask for a moment of silence for my laptop of 7+ years, which is currently in the process of dying. It's ridiculously slow and even though I replaced the battery less than a year ago it shuts down every time I accidentally disconnect the charger (which is a pain because every time I lose some of what I've written). This affects you because it is the laptop that I've been using to write this story (which is why it took so long for me to publish this embarrassingly short chapter). I was hoping I would get a lot done on this story over the summer, but I guess that won't be happening until I get a new laptop, whenever that is. What I'm trying to say is that I am not abandoning this story, but it might be a while between updates. Sorry guys :( 

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