Chapter Nine

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"So," Katherine said, holding up a finger and facing Alexander, "when we go into the town, you have to be quiet. We're invisible, but people can still hear us."

"I know how it works. I'm from the future, remember?" Alexander pointed out.

"Right," Jonah replied. "But, where are we going to look once we get into town?"

"The fake Alexander Hamilton has been living in this time period, but he's a time traveler," Katherine spouted off.

When Jonah didn't jump up and down and shout, "Bingo! That's it!" she grabbed Jonah's shoulders and stood on her the tips of her toes to look him directly in his eyes.

"Jonah, the fake Alexander Hamilton in a time traveler out of his native time," she continued, her intensity and proximity making it difficult for Jonah to think. Still, Jonah felt puzzle pieces sliding around in his brain, trying to click together.

"Tracers," Jonah replied suddenly, stepping back from his sister. "The fake Alexander Hamilton would have seen tracers for his whole life, whenever he moved anything. But how can we use that information to help us actually find him?"

"We ask some of the townsfolk," she simply replied.

"Dressed like this?" he asked, gesturing to the three of them. They were both wearing tee-shirts and jeans, while Alexander was still wearing his silky bathrobe with odd little booties for shoes. He glanced down at his own invisible shirt. If he remembered correctly, it was grey with an orange basketball across the front, declaring that he'd survived a training camp during the summer. "Katherine, I'm wearing a basketball camp shirt. I don't think that they're even going to know what basketball is."

"Honestly, Jonah, sometimes you're so slow," Katherine said, shaking her head. Her tangled blonde hair swayed with the motion. "Don't you still have an Elucidator? We can use it to change into the proper clothes."

Oh, right...

"Fine," he said. Jonah pulled the Elucidator from his pocket, which had turned into a small leather-bound notebook, and, after deciding that he'd rather not deal with its complicated commands, tossed it at Katherine. She held out her hands to catch it, but another set intercepted it.

"Alexander!" Jonah shouted, watching him run past and snatch it out of the air. "Stop!" I can't believe I forgot about him!

Jonah ran after him, kicking sand up into the breeze. Jonah heard Katherine shouting behind him, but he tuned her out. I have to catch him! Jonah thought, worried he might start shouting commands at the Elucidator. But Alexander, who was obviously not accustomed to strenuous activity, was gasping for air and clutching his side. There's no way he could talk right now.

Jonah easily caught up with him and reached out to grab the fabric of his robe, but, just as he got within reach, Alexander abruptly changed directions and started running in a zigzag fashion around the palm trees and shrubs. Jonah lost his balance and skidded, but quickly righted himself and started gaining ground on Alexander once more. Within about ten seconds, which were spent chasing Alexander with his twisting, erratic movements, Jonah got close enough to see Alexander typing in a command.

"No!" Jonah shouted, reaching out again. Alexander swerved away, but this time Jonah was ready. You're not going to get me with that one twice! He pushed off of the grassy ground, lunging for Alexander. Jonah wrapped his arms around Alexander's legs, squeezing his eyes shut as they impacted the ground.

"Ouch," Alexander moaned, still clutching the Elucidator.

"Give it," Jonah commanded, reaching out to take it by force, if necessary.

Restored (The Missing: Book 9) [Formerly Titled Rescued]Where stories live. Discover now