Chapter Twelve - What Happens Next? (Killian's POV)

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Hello guys, thank you so much for your input on what you are wanting from this book. I think it will be a lot better to do a few more chapters before starting the sequel as rather than just skipping loads of the relationship I want you all to read all the cute and romantic moments I have planned for Emma and Killian. At the moment I'm planning on doing around 20 Chapters and then starting the 2nd book.

{RC; 7,536}


I pulled away from the kiss and looked down at her. I had waited so long to do that. Those three weeks felt like forever.

She looked back up at me with a slightly confused look on her face. Was she in shock?

"You like me?" she asked, her eyes opening wide.

"Yes I like you. You're the first woman that's made me feel comfortable and happy s-since Milah passed away. She told me she wanted me to move on and to find someone who will make both me and Barney happy and Emma, honestly... you do" I said.

"You make me so happy too Killian. I'm scared. The last relationship I was on didn't end well" she said as she lifted her hair to the side revealing a scar behind her ear.

"H-henrys father, he abused me. That's why I left Canada and moved here. To give me and Henry a decent chance at a good life".

I pulled her in and hugged her so tightly.

"I'm always here" I said.

"Thank you Killian" she said, gripping onto me.

She pulled away from the hug and looked up at me again.

This time, she kissed me. The kiss lasted for so long. So long that I didn't want it to stop.

We pulled away after what felt like forever.

"What does that make us" Emma asked, smiling at me nervously.

"I honestly don't know. I want to take it slow. See how it goes?" I replied, I know that I seemed eager.

"Okay, yeah yeah I can do slow" she said.

"I'm going to drive down to Granny's and get a grilled cheese to go then I will come back and help you get through the rest of your work as much aa I can. Anything I can get you" Emma asked, putting on her jacket.

"Oh erm thankyou! I would love a Tuna Mayonaise sandwich. Hold on i'll get my wallet" I said, turning around to head back into the kitchen.

"No no don't you dare give me any money. You've done so much for both me and Henry that I couldn't even begin to thank you for. This is on me" Emma said, looking at me.

I wanted to kiss her again so bad. All I wanted was to feel her lips on mine.

I walked towards her, put my hands on her cheeks and kissed her. She kissed me back but this time it was different. It was more passionate.

The next thing I know we are lying in bed together.

"Wow" she said, catching her breath.

"You took the words right out of my mouth" I said, looking up at the ceiling.

"So i'm assuming Grilled Cheese and Tuna Mayonaise are off the cards" she said laughing.

"Yeah, I guess they are" I replied, laughing as we tilted our heads towards eachother. Getting closer.

Nanny (Captain Swan AU) COMPLETEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin