Chapter 4: Owned

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A/N: I really would like to hear from people if they think I can improve anything :) I'm trying to improve my terrible writing skills (which are much better than when I first started writing) so if you have any tips or anything to comment at all, I'd be really happy. (Even if you just comment something like "Llama"...)

Eren's P.O.V.

I tried to convince myself that I was just hearing things, but what I'd heard was what had been said; my sister would be forced to marry someone she hated. Someone who'd never taken so much as a second glance in her direction.

Never in a million years would I have thought that I would one day think of the day that Mikasa would walk down the aisle and want to cry. She deserved better than this. Better than what they were giving her.

Although, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself that I was only concerned about her, I couldn't help but feel that it affected me as well, but that may have just been to do with everything that had already happened with the man in question. If this had been even just two days earlier it would've been different. I would've despised him with every fibre of my being. But somehow, even as the truth drilled through my soul, I couldn't bring myself to hate him, instead finding myself wondering if this was his decision, or if he had no say whatsoever. One thing was for certain though, and that was that Mikasa definitely hadn't had a say. She never would've agreed to this.

I looked over to her; her arms were crossed over her chest in an odd manner. I could almost see her fingers trembling in what could easily be frustration, sadness, anger, or some other unidentifiable emotion. I never could tell with my sister. She remained quite though.

"Of course we'll have to begin arranging the dates soon enough, but for now we should just focus on expanding the business," I couldn't believe the way that my father was nodding in agreement, as if it didn't matter to him what happened to her, as if he only cared about getting a pay rise. As tempted as I was to speak up and yell at them both for acting as if they didn't give a shit, I held my tongue.

Forcing myself to look over at Mikasa, I noticed that she was pulling her sleeve down over the bandages that I'd spotted earlier. It made me curious. What could she have possibly done that was so bad she had to hide it? Suddenly her face turned as white as a sheet and she excused herself from the room. I followed her out as she ran once more up the stairs, her heels again clip-clopping from her boots. She seemed to sprint to the bath room before slamming the door shut and locking it tight. I heard her throwing up and gasping for breath; she'd dropped things on her hurry to the bathroom. I picked up one packet of what looked like pain killers, along with a bottle of water before placing them beside the door and heading off to my room.

Levi's P.O.V.

Father always told me there was no escape, but I never thought he'd take it this far. Ever since he finally decided to give a fuck he'd controlled me, manipulated me, dominated me and abused me. I tried to get people to listen, but, who was I to accuse? Oh yeah, the antisocial son who was angry at his old man and who was desperate for attention. At least, that's what he'd have you believe. 

"Remember son, you may think you're free, but you're nothing without me!"

Those same words, drilled into my head along with the rules:

1. Stay out of sight.
2. Never speak ill of the man who made
    you something.
3. Never disobey the man who's the
    reason for your existence.

The further I displeased him, the worse the punishment. I could still feel the sharp sting of the metal end of his belt as it had scraped across my shoulder blade.

There was no worthy reason for me to protest this wedding. If I had then it would've been that fucking belt again; man that stung like a bitch. It was pathetic really, how a grown man of 23 could be at the mercy of his father so easily without the elder so much as looking in his direction. He didn't care about me, I knew he didn't (if he did then he had a funny way of showing it). All he cared about was the money that selling me off would bring in.

It seemed as if my father owned everything. I mean he was the legal owner of factories in mainland Germany, estates in London, a theatre in Russia of all things and even Dr. Jaeger's clinic (just to tip a few off the top of the iceberg).

Damn, if that brat inherited even a few of his dad's brain cells then he would make an excellent doctor. I wouldn't mind being checked up by h- wait, I did not just think that! I flushed slightly from the images my mind was conjuring up. How was I expected to marry that girl of all I could think of was pushing her brother up against a wall and snogging him senseless? I wondered how he'd reacted to the news; had he cared? Supposedly he and Mikasa had a fairly close bond since he was the one to suggest adopting her, so I could imagine the brat not being too pleased with the decision.

My father had a habit of being an inconsiderate asshole. The bastard would've been the reason that the ludicrous idea had even been dreamt up.

I had gotten used to the bruises and the bandages. Often, father would just come home from a bad day at work and just grab the belt, or maybe something like a spatula if he was feeling adventurous.

He'd already made it clear to me that if I dared try to stop the marriage then he'd give me worse hell than he ever had before.
A/N: Well it's not as long as usual but........ I'm really sorry! I've had a lot going on including my nan passing away on July 2nd 2016 so I've been focusing on other things. :'( I really miss her. My aunt was asking how to explain to her (almost) three-year-old why he can't call Nanny every morning anymore.
So yeah, this chapter was more focused on the actual plot since the blatantly obvious yaoi was becoming pointlessly distracting. It'll still be there but it'll be more contextual. :) (love anyone who made it this far in!) x

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