Chapter 13

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Takara's pov.

It had been almost three months since Madara took me out to that meadow with Hiro and things had gotten busy the last few weeks. Madara was talking to Obito who was still following Itachi and Kisame around but I wasn't given a lot of information mostly because Madara didn't like me worrying to much about it. Hiro was growing quickly and was so cute for being almost four and a half months old. I was making his bottle when I hear him crying and walk quickly to his room only to see an unknown man holding him. I panic a little and rush forward to grab him. "Stop right there or he dies." The man says before he glances over at me. "Please don't hurt my son." I start and he man laughs at me before I see a knife being brought closer to my son's throat and I shake a little. "Say good bye to your son you will never see him again." The man says and I whimper as my legs give out under me. The man was gone with my son and I let out a scream. Madara wasn't here, he went to talk to someone and he said it was safe to leave us here. I should have taken Hiro with me into the kitchen.

I stand and look around for any clue as to where the man went only to finally see a paper and pick it up with shaky hands. After reading it I felt sick and ran from the room dropping the note before ending up in my bathroom and throwing up. They were going to kill my baby, my son and I was afraid Madara would be too late in saving him. "Takara-sama?" Obito yells from somewhere in the hide out but I couldn't bring myself to answer him right away. No I needed to get my son back so I needed to pull myself together. I stand on shaky feet before changing into some of the ninja like cloths Madara only lets me wear for training then I pull my hair up so it was out of the way. I walk out of the room and down to the exit of the cave ready to go look for my son when I run into a hard wall. I fall back and growl lightly as I stand back up and to glare at the wall only to see Madara standing there.

"Where are you going Takara?" Madara asks as his sharingan looks me over. "Out." I mumble and he scowls at my answer before picking me up. "You're going to stay here and look after our son." Madara says and I struggle a little against him. "That's what I'm doing Madara! Someone took him!" I scream and he stiffens before slowly putting me on my feet and looking into my eyes. "Repeat that now." Madara growls and I was about to when Obito runs over to Madara the note in his hand. "This was in Hiro's room." He says before glancing at me. Madara reads it and the look on his face when he is done scares me to no end. "Stay here. Zetsu don't let Takara leave unless I'm with her." Madara says before he turns and leaves me standing there with Zetsu. Obito gives me a pained look before he quickly follows Madara out of the hide out. Zetsu leads me out of the hall way and into a big living room where he gets me to sit and hands me a book to read.

After almost three hours of sitting there reading I couldn't stand just waiting for Madara to come back with our son. I needed to help, I needed to be doing something. I stand and walk around slowly knowing Zetsu was watching every move I made until I stop in front of the kitchen. Sitting there right where I left it was Hiro's bottle and I sink to the floor tears falling quickly as I think over how I was a bad mother for letting this happen. "You should lay down." Zetsu says before he leads me to my room and I numbly get on the bed before pulling Madara's pillow against my chest and sobbing uncontrollably into it. I pass out as I cry not knowing if or when I would see my son again.

Obito's pov.

Madara-sama was angry as he ran, I didn't read the note in the nursery just knew I needed to give it to Madara-sama seeing as how his name was on it. "What is wrong Madara-sama?" I ask and he growls before clenching his fist tighter than before. "Someone took my son and threatened to kill both him and Takara." Madara growls and I suddenly feared for Takara-sama's life. I had grown quite attracted to the young woman that Madara-sama loved and I was starting to wonder if I too was in love with her. We were quiet for the rest of the trip and when we got there Marada-sama looked at me. "When we see Hiro you are to take him right back to the hideout. If my son gets hurt when you have him I will make you pay dearly Obito, Uchiha or not you will pay." Madara-sams says and I nod my head quickly not wanting to anger the older Uchiha anymore that he already was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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