Chapter 3

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Takara's pov.

I sigh as I clean the large room. I had a feeling that Madara was planning something bad to do to me. My hands still stung from touching the nori, something that dad loved to eat and would constantly have me make sushi for him without gloves only for the red rash to cover them and pain to throb throw them for hours afterwards. I shake my head and was done quickly and had listened to the muffled voices on the other side of the door which would grow angry then soft as if it was a clam before the storm. 'How did I get here? Where am I? What happened for me to get here?' I think before looking around the room for something to do seeing as how I was done cleaning. I pull out a scroll and frown when I see the dust under them and soon work on moving everything and dusting under them. It felt like hours before the door opened and I hear footfalls behind me. Soon a large hand grabbed my arm making me spin to look into two angry red eyes. I feel a pull and soon the whole world faded into nothing but red, black and white. Standing in front of me was Madara and I found I couldn't move at all. He didn't say a word as he pushes the sword into my side and I scream. This went on for a few hours until he looked me in the eyes. "Where is your home?" He asked and I gasped lightly. "Okinawa, Japan." I say and he scowls before nodding slowly. He asked me several more questions before I was soon let go.

I looked around to see the room I had been cleaning and an angry looking Madara in front of me. "Follow me girl." He snapped and I follow him into his study where Izuna was sitting. "Tsukuyomi hu? Did she give you the answers you needed?" Izuna asks and Madara nods his head slowly. "She did. Once her burses are gone she will meet the clan elders. Until then no man is to touch her not even you Izuna." Madara says and Izuna nods slowly. I clean the rest of his study until dinner and serve him food at dinner like I had at lunch. This time there was no nori near me and if Madara wanted anything with it he had the woman by his brother get it for him. Madara also drank less sake tonight then he had a few nights ago. We then head to bed and Madara forces me to change in the bathroom into a lose fitting kimono that I didn't need help with. I lay next to him stiffly as he pulls me closer to himself before he falls asleep.

In the month I had been here I was always watched and at all meals would be at Madara's side serving him food. At night he refused to let me sleep alone and would threaten to put me in tsukuyomi again if I refused to do as he asked. Today I was to meet the clan elders and was forced into a black kimono with red flowers on it. Madara walked ahead of me and we walked into a room that was very dark, almost evil but it wasn't that the room was dark at all on the contrary it had bright white walls and tatami mats on the ground along with a small table with bright flowers in an odd arrangement in the middle. No it was the three old men and one old woman that made the whole place feel dark. "This is the girl from the story then? The reincarnation of Priestess Sango?" The old woman asks as she looks me over before scowling at me. "Look at her hair, it's to light and very much too short." The woman says and one of the men holds up his hand. "But her eyes are the exact shade that Priestess Sango's were. She has the silver eyes." One of the men says. "Her chakra is so powerful as well. She could help our army win against the Senju's with it." Another of the men said until the last of them stands and walks over to me. He was much taller than me just like Madara who was almost a good foot taller than I was. "Girl what is your name?" He asks and I look at Madara before the other people in the room before my eyes land on this one old man. "Yuki Takara." I say and he smiles at me, a smile that matched the one dad had given me once before he had beaten me nearly to death after one of mom's good weeks.

"We need to talk. Girl leave us." The man says and I bow before leaving the room and see Michiko standing there with her husband Tori. "Takara what are you doing over here and dressed like that?" Michiko asks and I look at the ground. Michiko was one of the only women who is kind to me; all the others who weren't married hated me because Madara always had me at his side. "I had a meeting with the clan elders. Madara-sama said I had to meet them but never told me why." I say and she smiles lightly at me. "Michiko don't be soft on this weakling." Tori snaps, I knew Tori well because he was like the right hand man to Madara and he saw me as weak. I had been under Madara's tsukuyomi only because he wanted to see how long I could handle it and when I was pulled out I passed out. "She is a child Tori; I'm not being soft on her I am teaching her so she will make a good wife to a ninja one day. Just like I am a good wife to you." Michiko says and I stiffen. 'Ninja? Ninja's aren't real.' I think as I watch the smirk on Tori's face as he looks his wife over.

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