Chapter 10

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Takara's pov.

Three days, we had been here for three days and every time dad and Madara would cross paths they would start to fight. Madara never one threw the first punch always let my father do so before quickly hurting him. Madara was more than happy to hand out the same amount of punishment father had given me. Mom liked Madara and Madara acted indifferent to her as if so long as she was helping me she wouldn't get hurt. Today was different in some way like something was going to happen and I wasn't sure what it really was. I had gotten over my cold quickly, mom had told Madara and myself several home remedies that would help making Madara ask if she knew healing jutsu. I laughed it off as a joke with mom who had no idea what he was talking about. Madara normally never left my side unless he needed to go to the bathroom so for him to not be with me right now worried me a little.

"Mama is Madara-kun in the kitchen with you?" I call as I walk down to the kitchen and I can hear light talking. "Very good dear, it's nice to see young men like you cooking in this day and age." Mom says a small laugh. "Are you sure Takara-chan will like this?" Madara asks and I smile a little hearing him use chan at the end of my name. "She's my daughter I would know what she likes, well I used to know what she likes." Mom says and I decide to end the pain she was in by walking in. "There you are Madara-kun. What are you doing?" I say as I walk up to him. He jumps a little before blushing a little looking away from me. "Cooking you something to eat." Madara says and I can hear mom give a small aww as she watches us. Before I could say anything else dad walk in and he looks mad. "What are you two still doing here? I have no daughter so why are you here?" Dad growls out before he walks over to me. I whimper lightly as I take a few steps back. Dad swings his fist at me and I duck under it before kicking out at him hitting him hard in the chest with my foot. He stagers back and glares angrily at me. "You'll pay for that." He screams before running at me with a kitchen knife. Madara was in the way before he could do anything and grabs him by the throat lifting him up.

"You will not hurt her again." He growls as he tightens the hold on his neck making dad drop the knife and claw at Madara's hand. Mom screams and I hold her back so she doesn't anger Madara more. "He deserves it. Mama how can you love him?" I say as I pull her back, she doesn't fight against me knowing about the baby. "But I love him. Takara please don't let him die. I love him." Mom cries into my shoulder and I look over Madara and dad fighting not sure how best to help her. Madara looks over at us quickly and gives a growl when he sees my mother crying and the distressed look on my face. In one quick move Madara had my father pinned to the ground a knife to his neck and was looking at him with his glowing red eyes. "Sit still or I will kill you." Madara growls to my father who was wiggling under his hold. Dad lays still and mom was about to get up and run over to him but I hold her arm tightly.

"The only reason you're not dead right now is because it would hurt your wife. If I had it my way I would kill you here and now for all the things you have done to my wife." Madara says and dad smirks at him. "At least my woman knows how to keep me happy and alive can you say the same about yours?" Dad says in a bragging tone and I tense a little. Madara gives a deep laugh before he presses the knife a little into his throat making a small line of blood start to form. "I don't need her to give her life for mine. Unlike you Takara will do what I ask without question. Example, Takara hand me that knife over there." Madara says as he points behind him to a sharp deadly looking knife. Without a second thought I grab it and walk over to my husband before placing the handle of the knife in his open hand. "Good girl." Madara purrs before looking into the eyes of my father again. "As you can see I don't have to threaten her with physical violence to get what I want. Now you're going to tell you daughter you're sorry for everything you have ever done to hurt her and promise to never do it again." Madara says and dad shivers under him. I look behind me at mom who looked conflicted before a determined look enters her eyes.

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