Chapter 11

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Takara's pov.

Itachi and everyone else was gone from the hide out so it was only Pain and Konan with me. I had spent almost four days alone and was starting to go a little crazy. I needed some kind of companionship but there was no one to really talk to at all. Even if anyone was here I couldn't talk to them mostly because of the rule Madara had given me. Only Tobi, Konan and Itachi were the people I could talk to but I was so lonely. I even started to talk to myself as well as the baby and was worried about my mental health by the end of the sixth day alone. At the beginning of my seventh day alone Konan and Pain walk into my room and I give a small happy sigh when I see them but it quickly turns into a frown. "Takara we can no longer have you here in the hide out. Please gather your things and leave at once." Pain says and I frown even more and know that Madara would forgive me for this after all I was being sent away with no way to get back to him safely.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask and Pain gives me a shocked look as he looks over me. "You just talked to me." Pain says in shock and I give a small sigh. "Look Tobi is gone on a mission and I don't think he would be too happy with you kicking me out of here. I just don't understand why you're doing this all of the sudden." I say as I put my hands on my hips. "We will no longer be staying here in this place. We cannot take you with us to the new hide out so you're going to have to leave now." Pain says and I shake my head a few times. "I see." I mumble before turning my back on them. "Who is Madara to you? He has been going by the name Tobi here and I just want to understand what his relationship is with you." Konan says as she puts a hand on my shoulder forcing me to look at them both. I chuckle before shaking my hair out a little.

"Tobi is my protector. He saved me from my father." I say as smirk a little at them. "What is this all about?" Tobi says in his deep voice and I give a soft sigh seeing him here now. "Tobi they want to kick me out." I say and I could feel the power rolling off of him. He walks over to me and places a hand gently on my shoulder before turning a little so I was hidden behind him. "Now why would you two do such a thing when I ordered you to look after her? It is my choice as to when she leaves or how long she will be under your care." Tobi booms and I stiffen a little not expecting this from him. I had thought that Tobi hated me mostly because I was a pain for him to look after. As I think about it he was supposed to be gone a mission and not back for a while longer. "As we just told her it's too dangerous for us to take her to the new hide out. She will only get in our way." Pain says in a cold tone and there was a growl that rips throw Tobi's chest. "Madara-sama why are you so angry about this? We are doing this for her own good." Konan says in a soft tone that was shockingly kind sounding compared to what happened earlier.

"Both of you out now. I will deal with you later." Tobi barks and I hear them leaving my room. Tobi turns slowly to look at me and I was shaking a little to the point where my legs gave out and I sink to the floor. Tobi kneels down so he was in front of me and looks me over as if to make sure I was alright. "Madara-sama hasn't called for you to come home yet. I will get those fools to stay here for two month longer before we send you back to Madara-sama. Are you feeling alright Takara-sama?" Tobi says and I nod my head numbly not really sure what to make of this whole situation. "Not to be ungrateful of what you have done but weren't you supposed to be on a mission until the end of next week?" I ask as I pull on the bottom of my pants and he gives a sigh before helping me up and getting me to sit on my bed. "I am on a mission and I just sent one of my clones to check on you. Good thing I did." Tobi says before nodding his head a few times. I didn't know what to say to him about that or what to do about all of this. "I think I need to lay down." I mumble softly and he gives a sigh before nodding his head.

Madara's pov.

Two months ago I got a letter from Obito that they were going to kick my wife out of the hide out. I was lucky that he had talked them into keeping her until she was a little over six months pregnant. I hadn't been pleased with the progress that they were making on getting the tailed beast and had heard about Pain going to attack Konoha to get the nine tails. I was a little annoyed because I personally wanted to get the nine tails but I couldn't risk making my move just yet. Obito shows up with a letter to update me on what was going on. "Obito how is Takara doing?" I ask and he gives a small sigh. "It might be best to bring her back here soon. With everyone gone from the hide out she has taken to talking to herself." Obito says and I scowl a little at him. "Is that what Zetsu told you?" I ask mad that the two people I had running things there had let my wife brake down to this point.

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