Sin estres estres + = esfueezo! ¡¿que?!

16 1 0

I let out a loud groan as I slowly sat down on my couch placing the ice pack on my crotch. Today I did my first video for my job. Luckily I had to the day off from the fancy job. But I still had to work at the grocery store in the morning. Then I went to my porn job.

Thats how I got the ice pack on my crotch. We were making the video in the beginning, everything was going out as acted. Then when she was supposed to grind on me she let go of the arm on the chair and fell. The worst thing is that these guys gave me pills that make me painfully erect. So when she sat or fell on my dick it fucking hurt like fucking hell.

Ugh at least I got $200 out of that today. Tomorrow if that gets a lot of views I get a bonus. The thing is that I make one video get a week off then go back. Since the accident I get a month off. That's enough time for me to tell Sam about my job.

Not the porn one the fancy one. I can tell him that I just get a shit ton of tips. He should believe that. Anyways I already told his mom about him being pregnant. Surprisingly she was happy, no fucking thrilled!

So I sort of helped Sam with his stress now. No more stress for my two babies. Now all I got is the stress. Three jobs, one that I have to go to everyday, another that I have to go to once a week, and another that I have to go to every other day. At least I'm getting a ton of money for my family.

Sam and our future child need it more than I do. I already got the list of stuff to buy for Sam and the baby. Sam needs a car, he knows how to drive has his permit but needs his license then a car. That should be easy. I should have enough money for all that by the end of this month.
I was picking Sam up from school today. My dick is still in pain but it has dulled down since then. I'm not even going to tell Sam. Thats the best for both of us, right? I sighed pulling up to the school waiting for Sam to get here.

I smiled when Sam came in. Then the back door opened and Valeria came in too?!

"Why is Valeria in here? I thought she had her own car?" I questioned.

"My car is in the shop today and my parents dropped me off this morning. Also they don't get off work till dinner time so I'm riding with you." Valeria smirked.

Great, I have a painful dick and my boyfriends annoying best friend in my car. I hate it when she has to ride in my car with Sam. They always talk and shes so annoying.

"Turn up the radio." Valeria demanded.

I rolled my eyes keeping them on the road. She can't tell me what to do. My car my rules. There is none but she doesn't have to know that.

"I said turn up the radio. Sam make your boyfriend listen to me!" Valeria wined.

Sam sighed turning it on but keeping the volume low. He knew I couldn't concentrate when the radio was one. But at least he got her to shut up. Now I have some peace.

"Can I put my music on? This radio station sucks." I tried to keeping my breathing in tacked trying not to blow up on her.

I love you. I honestly do, because shes best friends with my boyfriend but she is so fucking annoying.

"No, radio on or nothing." I growled.

"Who crawled up your ass yesterday or this morning?" Valeria smirked.

Oh great. Yeah nothing crawled up my ass just a whore sat on my erect dick. At least its not broken. That would be a thing I have to tell Sam. Speaking of Sam, I smiled placing my hand on Sam's placing it on his lap.

He smiled back at me kissing my cheek. Yeah we are that type of couple that hold hands and smile in silence.

"So are you two going to keep up this awkward charade of staring at each other in silence?" Valeria groaned breaking the silence.

I sighed releasing Sam's hand from mine and continuing to drive.
I smiled relaxing finally in my car when we pulled up to Valeria house.

"Thanks for the ride baby momma and baby daddy. See you tomorrow." Valeria smirked getting out of the car.

I smiled happily. Then turned to Sam smiling at him. He smiled back kissing me fully on the lips this time. I don't know why but every time Valeria is around Sam doesn't kiss my on my lips. I'm fine with it though I understand. Public relationships isn't the most amazing thing to spread to the world.

I do know that there is also one more tung that people shouldn't spread to the world either. Sex, public or non public sex it shouldn't be spread. Yet people do it for money I guess.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Omg I was close to being late on this story! I can't believe this! I'm so sorry. I'm also sorry for the freaking short ass chapter!

I usually get all my ideas at night and try to get them on here by day. Anyways next chapter will obviously be Sam's point of view and none of you gave me any official feedback on how Sam should find out how Diel is doing porn. So question of the chapter! What do you think is the deal with Valeria? Okay thats all for tonight!

Love you all! Good night, morning, or afternoon.

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