Aqualad x Reader

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@Lizardgurl this is your request I hope you like it and it's sorta how you wanted it and I'm so very very very very sorry about how late this is! Anywhale If you have an Idea then please request in the comments or PM me and I'll try to do better with my updates!



-Your pov-

~A few days ago~

"Welcome to Mt. Justice, this is where you'll be staying and training along with your new teammates" Black Canary said as I walked through the Zeta beam hugging myself nervously and walked over to her while looking around in awe.

"Amazing..." I mumbled to myself quietly, my eyes widened my mind refusing to comprehend the fact that I was actually here.

I heard her chuckle at my awestruck state and blushed looking down at the ground embarrassed. I heard her steps as she moved closer to me and put a hand on the top of my head.

"Don't worry you'll get used to everything soon enough okay?" she said making me look up and see a reassuring smile grace her lips. I smiled back and gave a quick, short nod.

"Good, now your teammates should be returning from a mission soon and I have to go. Good luck kid" She said before leaving me alone in what seemed to be the living room? All I knew for sure was that 1. I should have asked if it was okay to look around and 2. This was gonna be hard to get used to...

A few moments later I heard the zeta beams go off and I may have sorta freaked out a little bit before making myself invisible and hiding making sure my presents was hidden. I watched as a small group of people walked in and recognized them quickly: Robin prodigy of Batman, Kid Flash prodigy of The Flash, Miss Martian niece/prodigy of Martian man hunter, Artemis second prodigy of green arrow after speedy had gone solo, Superboy, and finally Aqualad prodigy of Aquaman. I watched them trying to decide if I should say Hi or just sneak away when Superboy and Miss Martian suddenly turned to where I was hiding nearly making me jump.

"Who ever's hiding come out!" Superboy yelled as he stood up. craaaaaaap, he must have heard my breathing.

After he said that the team had gotten on the guard standing up ready to fight whoever was hiding, and that happened to be me. Now I was just scared to come out, I wasn't here for fighting I was here for sneaking and hacking. It came to mind that Miss Martian could read minds so I went with my best shot and hoped she wouldn't straight up try going after me.

'Please don't be alarmed, I'm not spying or anything I'm just shy..' I said through my thoughts hoping that she had heard me. Luckily it seems she did cause she had dropped her guard and walked a little closer to me.

"You don't have to be shy, come on out" she said with a friendly smile either ignoring or not noticing that her teammates were looking at her like she was crazy. She seemed nice but I didn't come out until Aqualad had come up next to her with his guard completely down.

"please come out, we won't hurt you I can promise you that" He said honestly, I couldn't find a trace of deceit in his voice or in his amazingly calming foam green eyes

Slowly I walked forward staying invisible but at least letting my footsteps be heard. Aqualad held out his hand for a greeting even though he didn't know where I was, grabbing onto his hand in a hand shake he didn't jump but gripped my hand.

"I'm Kaldur nice to meet you" he greeted me smiling

"Names (Y/N)" I said as I became visible once again

~present time~

"come on (Y/N) you can't keep hiding from me" Wally whined pouting and earning a good whack on the back of his head.

"Maybe she wouldn't hide so much if you didn't flirt like an idiot all the time" she said rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms.

Little did they know I had snuck out of the room with a sigh of relief as I made my self visible again. They really are too much... I walked around aimlessly for a little bit but eventually got lost, I still don't exactly know my way around this place and the others don't seem very interested in me either..

I suddenly walked into something or rather I say someone on accident and stumbled back onto the ground.

"(Y/N)? are you alright? here let me help you" A familiar soothing voice told me. Blushing I looked up to see none other then Kaldur looking down at me with an out stretched hand.

"Oh god I am s-so sorry, I d-didn't see y-you" I stuttered embarrassed as I quickly scurried back and hid myself with my powers

He chuckled and knelt in front of me before grabbing hold of my hand, wait how did he find my hand!? "(Y/N) it's alright I'm not mad, you don't have to hide no need to be shy" He said with a smile

"Y-you sure?" I asked quietly still surprised that he was able to find my hand when he couldn't see me, sighing I came out from hiding when he nodded. Helping me up he didn't let go of my hand as he stared at me with a small smile. Ever since I met everyone a few days ago Kaldur has been the only one other then occasionally m'gann who would help me get used to some of the things around the HQ, and the only one to really make me feel welcomed.

"Were you lost, because You usually don't come to the training room" He stated and I finally noticed where I had walked into also that kaldur, who's right in front of me, is currently shirtless with beads sweat covering his body. Holly mother of pearl he looked hot.

Deeply blushing I look away from him and nod "Y-yeah, sorry I just d-don't really know my w-way around y-yet.." I stuttered looking at the ground. Dammit (y/n)!

"No problem I'll show you around, wouldn't want you getting lost again now would we" He joked and left real quick to clean up and put his shirt back on before he led me around the cave showing me where everything was until it got late and then took me to my room since I was living here at the cave.

"Thanks for showing me around Kaldur, it was a really big help" I said shyly blushing lightly and smiling.

"I'm glad that I was able to make things easier for you (y/n)" he said smiling back at me and started to leave. Before he did though I quickly kissed his cheek and ran into my room closing the door as I did.

Sighing happily as locked the door and rested my back against it I slowly slid my back down the door with a blush and a smile at what I had just done.


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