Chapter 44 ~Defeat*

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry, don't worry. I won't lay a hand on the girl," Rumple chuckled, but continued to watch her sleep. Boy did that creep Hook out.

"It's not that. We have a problem."

Rumple raised an eyebrow.

"We lost Felix."


The jungle seemed to be stirring with bugs and rodents that seemed much too loud in the anxious atmosphere. Felix ran carefully, carrying himself with as little sound as possible. He knew something had gone wrong with Wendy and Hook. Checking back to where he left them a few hours ago, it had been completely abandoned. Felix didn't know if it was a good or bad sign that they were gone. His gut screamed Ursula. It seemed to say Ursula all the time nowadays. But knowing Wendy, he knew if they were caught he would know. He would feel it. She would use her newfound powers to warn him.

As Felix got farther and farther away from the last place he met them, his thoughts began to drift to Tinkerbell. There was an uncomfortable feeling of longing in his chest. It was as strong as the first time she left him. He knew she was in no real danger. They were coming to save her and Pan. Very soon, he would be able to kiss her without a care in the world.

A sudden shock went through him at the thought. After. What would happen when this was all over? Would he be able to leave with Tink now that Pan had his Wendy? What about the Heart Of The Truest Believer? Before he could stop himself, his fantasies painted a painfully beautiful picture:

He was with Tink. She was bathed in fairy dust smiling as she soared above him with her fairy wings. They would live in the Enchanted Forest. No one would bother them. Pan and Wendy would stay on Neverland. Tink wouldn't miss her-

Felix wanted to hit himself. Of course his Tink would miss Wendy Darling. She was her best friend. He had long accepted the reality that Wendy would always be apart of her life. And where Wendy went....Pan was always there.

"Oh, Felix!"

The voice sent a chill down his spine and snapped him cold in the face with reality. He knew its owner, of course. Practically raised the arrogance in his tone.

He suddenly became fully aware of his surroundings. Daydreaming seemed to have led Felix to believe he was alone. The Lost Boys giggled in quite, frightening whispers in the treetops all around him. The boys were different from their usual loud hoots. Suddenly the idea of quiet Lost Boys was surprisingly scary. Felix looked behind him quickly. The relief Wendy was still no where to be seen was so thick he almost smiled.

Rudolph jumped down from his tree and faced him.

Felix couldn't contain his look of shock. Rudolph smirked at the look on his face. Felix had already known that the Lost Boys had been Ursula's puppets all this time, but seeing Rudolph's face made it real for him. The gold eyes he had grown so accustomed to were as black as coal. His usual pale face seemed hollow and empty looking. Under his eyes were dark, unnatural purple bruises. His smile was sinister in a way Felix never would have guessed a smile could appear to look on his face.

"I've been waiting for you." His voice wasn't right either. It was too high, too excited.

"Have you?"

The blow surprised him. Rudolph clocked him in the jaw with such force it sent him backward. He lunged at Felix. Gripping the collar of his jacket, Rudolph threw Felix forward into Victor's waiting attack.

Soon, every Lost Boy was taking their turn with him.

Felix wished he would have blacked out. Much to his disappointment he was kept conscious. The Lost Boys dragged him for miles. Felix was too hurt to do anything but wince when the occasional rock bit into his shoulder.

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