Chapter 19 ~Ambush*

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She was in the meadow with Felix. Laughing and spinning through the tall grass. Picking the purple and white wildflowers that made up the field.

It was a happy time. Felix leaned in to kiss her. She happily leaned in toward him...and then he was gone. He vanished into smoke that drifted through the field.

He was gone and Wendy had been transported away from the flowers and was now alone on the sharp rocky cliffs. Well, she thought she was.

The figure behind her chuckled. She quickly turned to discover his back was to her.

"You betrayed me, Wendy." It hissed from behind the black flowing cloak. The voice was dark and haunting. She wanted Felix.

She turned around to run and the figure was there grabbing her wrists and pulling her to him. And then she saw the face under the cloak. The twisted expression made her jerk wildly to get away from him, but it was no use. He was too strong.

"You love him, but you love me too. I know you do. You run because you're afraid to admit that your in love with a monster. You love me. Admit it!" His voice roared in her ears. His green eyes now a flat black color. A demon.

"No! I don't!" She cried.

"Admit it."


"Admit it!!"

"I can't!"

The cloaked figure smiled warmly at her. She stopped fighting. He pulled her even closer to him. And whispered in her ear.

"I love you. Do you really love him?" The boy with her in the meadow sprang into her mind. For a moment she wasn't as sure as she thought she was in her answer.

Did she really love him?

The face before her was too hard to resist. She reached up and ripped the cloaks hood off the boy. His eyes now back to green, lit up.

"No I do not love him." She whispered. And he pulled her closer. He dipped his head closer and closer. He was a centimeter away from her lips.

"I love you." He whispered against her lips.

And then she screamed in agony. Tears streamed down her face as her fingers gripped the dagger that was now lodged inside her stomach. The boy laughed as she tumbled to the ground. The boy had stabbed her.

Wendy laid in a puddle of her own crimson blood. It soaked through her white nightgown and her pale skin. Her blood was everywhere.

"Why?" She coughed out. Pan's face leaned down over her body. He brought his lips to her bloody ones. He kissed her full on the lips only to lean back and lick the blood off his own. He was tasting her blood off his lips.

He laughed aloud, "Because it's fun."

Wendy awoke with a start. She gasped for air and clutched her unharmed stomach. Her other hand on her mouth. She wiped away the now imaginary blood off her lips.

She sat there for a minute grasping her surroundings. She was in Tink's treehouse. Tink. Now, as she thought it over, it only made sense to her that she would dream about the gruesome story only told to her the day before. She shuddered thinking about Pan.

That dream was proof. She wasn't like Tink. She didn't have someone secretly making sure she was alright. She didn't have a Felix. She had only herself, therefore she knew that she could never run from Pan.

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