Chapter 11 ~Prisoner*

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Pan torn through the forest. He lurched himself toward her scream. He heard a splash, which meant she was in water. She could be at the beach, but then he wouldn't have heard her. They were to far in the jungle. Where is another source of water? Then it hit him. Mermaid Lagoon.

Thinking back it all made sense. As he ran as fast as he could while he thought about it. Hook sent him in the completely opposite direction. The pirate wanted Wendy to hear what spoke from the mermaid's lips. To brand him a villain in her eyes. That was the one thing that would make his plan fail. His game would end. He would die. With that he even ran faster.

He soon reached the Lagoon. He noticed one of his bows in the dirt. With that he knew she was there. Without taking a second to catch his breath he dove into the ice cold water. For a second all Pan could see was dark blue water. He closed his eyes and tried to clear his vision. He opened them again to see a pink mermaid tail. He swam after her with lightning speed only to soon see Wendy. Her hair floating around her pale face. His baggy shirt slightly raised up enough to see her stomach. She was just floating there. Lifeless.

In panic, Pan swam towards her. He gripped her waist and headed for the surface. Soon, hissing filled his ears. The pink tailed mermaid digged her claws into Pan's back making him cry out. The water took that opportunity to fill his lungs. His vision began to be speckled in black spots. He shook his head to clear it and then turned on the mermaid. He kicked the her hard in the gut and looked around him for something to use as a weapon.

He glanced at Wendy. Desperately he patted her down in search for any of his weapons. A simple dagger hung from her belt. At incredible speed, Pan brought the dagger up just in time before the mermaid attacked again. He buried the dagger deep into her chest. The water around them turned crimson. The mermaid's swishing tail began to still. As soon as he saw the her blank, dead stare, he lurched himself to the surface.

He gasped for air and torn through the seaweed for the muddy bank. Laying Wendy down, he put his ear to her chest. She wasn't breathing.

"No. No! Wendy you cannot die on me! Do you here me?!" He started beating on her chest with all his strength. Nothing. Her skin took on a bluish tint.

"WENDY FIGHT!!!! YOU HAVE TO FIGHT!!" He screamed at her unconscious body. He hesitated for a split second before doing it. He didn't realize what this might do to him. If she died on him, nothing would matter. Doing what he was about to do might ruin everything. In that moment, nothing else mattered than her. Wendy was what he needed. And he needed her alive.

Pan pressed his lips to hers and blew air into her lungs. The softness of her lips caught him off guard. For a split second he forgot he was trying to save her life. After five breaths he continued to beat on her chest like a drum. Another five breaths. What if it was useless? What if Pan failed. What if he wasn't fast enough to save her? Just as Pan was about to loose the will to keep trying, she spit salty water into his mouth as he was trying to give her more air.

He backed away from her wiping his mouth on his forearm. She coughed more water up onto the bank. Pan pushed her hair from her closed eyes. "Wendy?"

Slowly, her chocolate brown eyes fluttered open and looked up in wonder.

The first thing Wendy saw was Pan. His brown hair was dripping wet. His green eyes piercing into her skull. There was a stupid grin plastered on his face.

And then she remembered what had happened. That Pan had threatened Hook. That he was searching for her. That Magdalena had almost drowned her.

Wendy sat up in one fluid motion and scanned the Lagoon. There was Magdalena. Dead. Her tail turning a grayish color and her stomach bleeding. And then she saw the blood on Pan's hands.

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