Chapter 18 ~Fly*

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Tink led Wendy to the hammock and told her the story. The story that made her want to smile and cry at the same time. The story that made Tinkerbell her.

Peter Pan never fails. Tinkerbell knew this, she knew that he would never give Felix no matter what. He was his only friend. His only ally. She was going to have to fight to make Felix hers.

The summer had been long. Although the jungle was cold, Tink knew that it was summer somehow. It was a fairy instinct. Winter wanted to make her cry. It was a time when all the flowers died and snow fell on the ground. Fall made her cold. It was the beginning leading into winter. When the wind would cut through her wings. The trees were pretty to look at, but she knew the icy depths that was to come. Spring made her happy. It made her ecstatic.

The one thing she look forward to everyday in Neverland was Felix. Pan was always busy thinking in his thinking tree. Sometimes he was gone for a couple hours, sometimes only minutes. But lately, boys that were crying for help in the human realm was at his full attention. In those long hours when he brings those new boys to Neverland, Pan would make sure that Felix was always watching Tinkerbell.

At first she was sad. Peter never had time for her anymore. He used to train her into bringing her magic back. As time went on though, she began to need him a little less everyday.

One night, while sitting on one of the logs by the bonfire, Felix showed her something. Occasionally Pan would play his flute to see if Tink could hear it. But he never could get the sound to her ears. That night Felix showed her his own flute. It was made out of jungle wood, handcrafted and very sharp in detail. He let her hold it, watching as she touched it gently. Watching her smile.

"Do you like it?" Felix asked watching her blue eyes light with happiness. She smiled and nodded. His face was scar free then. Nothing ugly in his features. His blond hair was always a mess at the top of his head. She looked at him by the glowing fire.

"Play for me?" She asked looking a little sheepish.

"You wouldn't be able to hear it..." He mumbled. She handed him the flute expectantly. He sighed and pressed the pipe to his lips.

The sound at first was dull, so dull Tink didn't know if she was actually hearing it or imagining it. But then it grew louder. It was beautiful. It was light and happy. The tune flowed through the air, each note beating against her heart.

Felix looked so handsome when he played. It shocked her to think it, but who wouldn't right now? His jaw jutted out while he played. His pale blue eyes fixated on hers. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks. The song ended and Tinkerbell's face lit up.

"I heard it! It was so beautiful!" She laughed. She never knew she could be this happy. After everything that has happened to her, she never knew she could sincerely laugh or smile ever again. Felix smiled too, which made her stare at him in shock.

"So I guess I'm special, since you can't here Pan's...." He ducked his head a little.

"You are special..."

As the days went by, Tinkerbell begin to notice more Felix than she had before. She no longer worried about Pan's business with Lost Boys, but if he would stay gone so she could see Felix.

Felix was always there. Whether it be to fish with her by the coral reefs or pick flowers with her in the hidden meadows surrounded by forest; he was there.

She like the little details about him, the ones Pan never paid attention to. The thin pink line of his lips when he smiled. The way his figure seem so lanky, but he was so strong. His pill here almost white and the constant chatter that the jungle; on the rare occasion the both got to wonder the island and out from under the shadows, his hair we going as gold as the sun.

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