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"Alright Bren, we should seriously get going."

"Yeah. I just wish we could stay here, though. But I guess I need to get home before my mom gets there." Brendon picked up another handful of rocks that were destined for the bottom of the river.

"She usually home by the time you're done with school?"

Brendon shrugged. "Eh, sometimes. Usually she gets home ten or fifteen minutes after I do. She started working odd hours when I was like twelve so I wouldn't be home alone for long after school. It was fine when I was a kid but now it's just kind of old."

"I can imagine."

"They get pissed when I lock myself in my room all night, but it's the only time I can really be by myself. They never give me a fucking break." Brendon unloaded the rocks from his hand in one forceful throw before he made his way back to sit down on the cement.

"I didn't think you liked being alone?"

"I hate it, but it's better than trying to watch a movie with everyone in the living room and listening to Seth bitch about something and my mom picking me apart or whatever." Brendon crossed his arms, leaning forward to rest them on his lap and support himself. He glanced up at Ryan to confirm that he still held the boy's attention, but he turned his eyes back to the ground to make it easier to talk. "They wanna do all this family shit with me, and I really wouldn't mind it, but they make it so goddamn miserable that I just wanna hide in bed all day."

Ryan finally joined Brendon on the cement again. "I think I've proven that I don't mind phone calls, so you don't have to be completely alone anymore."

Brendon laughed. "Yeah, but you're probably not gonna wanna sit there for two hours every night and listen to me bitch about everything."

"If it's gonna help ya." Ryan's voice was to the point, and he shifted his leg to rest his knee against Brendon's. Brendon just smiled and looked at the river again as he pulled out his phone, still unsure how to continuously respond to kind words. "Look Bren, I'm sorry everything has to be so fucking hard for you. I promise it's gonna get better."

"It already has." Brendon was busy messing around with his phone. "It's almost three, though. School's almost out and I need to get home."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Ryan twitched and rolled his eyes as his phone started to vibrate. "I knew Spence would probably freak out and start sending me messages. He could at least wait 'til school was actually over, though. So how are we gonna talk tonight? Phone or computer?" Ryan had taken out his phone and started to unlock the keys.

"Phone's always a good option. I'll let you know if I can get on the computer, though."

Ryan nodded and opened the message he had just received. He grinned, only half noticing that Brendon had stood up and started walking away to distance himself.

From: Bren

Message: <3

Ryan let his thumb glide across the screen while he stood up, staring at the text that was displayed before he slid his phone back into his pocket. "Brendon. Hold on, Bren, don't leave yet."

Brendon was relieved and he turned around to see Ryan jogging toward him. "Yeah?"

"I'll, uh... thanks for talking to me, okay? I hope we can talk more tonight."

"Of course, just give it a couple hours and I'll probably have plenty to complain about."

Ryan laughed while he hugged Brendon, pressing their chests together and hoping his friend could always be this strong. "I'll be there when you're ready, alright?"

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