No Trip ↣ Phil

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"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just fell down the stairs! I'm fine!"

You hear a door slam and the shower turn on a few moments after.

You laugh. Phil? Taking a five minute shower? More like five hours.


"(Y/N), can you get the door?" You hear Phil call.

The five minutes you spent waiting for the landlord were complete chaos. Of course, everything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong. First, when Phil tripped down the stairs running to the shower, he unknowingly knocked over one of his houseplants, spilling dark brown soil all over the white carpet.

Then Phil got soap in his eyes and knocked over pretty much everything in the bathroom looking for a towel, which caused the neighbors to come over and complain to you about noise this early in the morning.

Phil then bolted to his room and spent the remaining thirty seconds getting ready. He tried straightening his hair, but he just kept burning himself as he was trying to do it so quickly.

He must've rang Dan about twenty times in this span of five minutes, but he didn't answer a single call.

During Phil's mad dash to get ready, you had to get ready as well. You had spent the night, so you had a bag of clothes to change into. But Phil was in the shower, so you just had to skip taking a shower for the sake of time. You got your bag to get dressed in Phil's room, but nearly had a heart attack when Phil came in wearing nothing but a towel while you were in the middle of changing.

It was awkward to say the least.

Now, you rush down the stairs to get the door as Phil finishes getting dressed.

You nearly fall down the steps, but you manage to get to the door in one piece. You grab the doorknob and yank open the door.

"Are you the landlord?" You say abruptly to the man standing in front of you. He looks pretty normal, not too fancy or anything.

"Um, yeah..." He replies, confused. "I do have the right flat, don't I?" He walks right into the flat without an invitation and looks around. "Yeah. But you're not my tenant," He frowns at you before starting up the stairs.

You follow him up to the hallway outside the lounge.

"Oh no, I-I'm-"

"(Y/N)! Is he here yet?" Phil bursts out of his room and rushes down the hallway, but freezes when he sees the landlord standing next to you. "Oh, hello Mr.-"

"-Did you get another flatmate, then?" The landlord asks, looking from Phil to you.

Phil looks confused for a moment, but then looks at you. "Oh! No," he laughs nervously. "She's my, um, girlfriend..." Phil's voice trails off. "She doesn't live here, she just spent the night...last night..." Phil rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um, that sounds bad, but she just...we didn't-uh, never mind-"

You cringe and cover your face with your hands.

"She doesn't live here," he laughs awkwardly. "I still have the same flatmate."

Dan and Phil Imagines (Requests CLOSED!)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum