"You didn't do her justice, Harry!" Louis says, motioning towards me. "She is absolutely impeccable. Flawless."

I start to blush. "Thank you," I say quietly.

"And modest too," Louis exclaims again, followed with the quiet laughs of himself and of Harry. God. He is getting the entire restaurant to look at us. But that voice is so familiar. Everything about him is. Even more than Harry was when I first met him. I know Louis. I have met him before.

Dammit. I wanted to try to stop thinking about where Harry could be in my past, but Louis had to come and screw it up for me.

"Let's sit down, Harry suggests. The boys scoot to the sides of the booth across from each other. Eleanor and I go in next, also across from each other.

From where we are sitting, the boys can clearly see a television that plays a football (soccer) game. They start to obsess over that, so Eleanor and I start to talk.

"Your boyfriend seems pretty energetic," I say.

"Yeah, Louis keeps me entertained," she sighs.

"What, babe?" Louis asks at the sound of his name. He completely changes his demeanor, too, after yelling at a bad move by a football player on the television.

"Nothing," she reassures. With that, he turns back to face the TV and relaxes into a slouch again.

"One time he decided to get creative and braided my hair." She puts air quotes around "braided". "The amount of tangles I had to get out was crazy." She look at him while grinning. "But it was still cute."

"You guys are adorable," I point out. I have seen less than five minutes of them, but their relationship is one of the sweetest I know.

She laughs. "Thanks. Enough about us. I'm sure Harry is just as crazy as Louis."

"Well one time I asked him to sing for me, because he has an amazing voice, and he made me serenade him first at the top of my lungs. We were on a Ferris Wheel at the fair." The same fair we had our bumper car war at.

She giggles. "I didn't know Harry could sing?" She says loudly, directing her comment towards Harry.

"Oh." His focus turns to the table.

"Haz, you can sing?" Louis pesters.

He leans down to me. "You told them?" he says lowly into my ear.

I shrug.

"I have to hear this," Louis says.

He shakes his head. "No."

"Oh come on," Eleanor says. We all start to beg.

"Hey, Lou, where did you say you went last night?" Harry changes the subject, to everyone's dismay.

Hey, Lou. Why do I know that? Lou. Lou. Louis. It is becoming clear. "Hey, Eleanor, what is Louis' full name?" I ask.

"Louis William Tomlinson. Why?" She furrows her brow.

"Can you come to the bathroom with me?" I ask her.


*Louis' POV*

The girls leave for the bathroom. "I swear, they always must go in packs," I tell Harry.

"Yeah," he says slowly.

"She seems pretty cool," I say, getting into the subject that Harry obviously wants to address.

"So you like her?"

"Yes. But," I say. "Doesn't she seem a little familiar to you? I feel like I have met her before."

"I know. That was why I approached her in the first place. But she never said anything to me about it."

The innocence she displays. Her facial features. Even her voice is familiar. "High school. It had to have been." But why would I remember her so well and still not know who she is? I remember close to nothing of high school. So why her?

*Eleanor's POV*

"Is everything alright?" I ask Jessie. She basically dragged me to the bathroom she was moving so fast. She slouches on the wall. We are alone, so it is safe to talk.

"I know Louis," she says. "I've met him before."


"Do you know Zayn Malik?" she asks.

Louis and Zayn used to hang out all of the time. Same with Harry. I have not seen him in a while, though. Not since that disaster he had. "He was Louis' friend. Why?"

"We sort of had something in high school. And it ended abruptly and really ridiculously. But anyways, I don't want to see him again, and I remember they were all friends back in high school. Are they still close?" she begs me to answer positively.

"Actually, they haven't talked in a while. Zayn just sort of disappeared on us a while back." That is the truth. Louis and I have not heard from Zayn in months. I do not blame him, though. If I had to deal with what he went through, I would probably act the same.

I do not want her to be awkward around Harry, though, so I do not mention the possibility of Zayn coming back. I lie to her saying I think they had a falling out, that they are no longer friends. She perks up at that.

Harry needs her. He has been the third wheel for so long. And I can tell by what Louis says that Harry really likes this girl, so she cannot be scared away so quickly. I figure that if Harry and her get close enough soon, then if she has to see Zayn again, it will not totally faze her. So lying seems okay for now.

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