“I called you all here because you’re the best our security force has to offer. And for a situation this big, I’m unsure if its enough...”

 Woah, it’s that big huh? My heart beated a bit faster. This isn't a drill of any kind.

“...We’ve been intercepting transmissions from... Out there... and it looks like it wasnt try to contact me, but someone in particular inside our vault.”

 This was big news. VERY big news. So is there life out there after all? does civilization out there still exist?  Are they even good willed? We all kept straight faces and continued listening to the Overseer.

“...Someone in our vault is contacting the outside world...and I want that to Stop.”

 We nodded.

“ I believe our top engineer, Hark, may have something to do with this.”

“What will you have us do?” asked Vance.

“I am authorizing all of you to raid Hark’s work station, find evidence that he has made contact with the outside world, then kill him

I gulped, and trembled a bit. but I said “understood” in the toughest voice I could do. Leo just stayed silent.

“The Armory is open to you men, take what is needed because I believed he may be armed.”

 Before we go any further, I want to explain something that every vault resident has. Its called a ‘PipBoy 3000’ A little computer attached to your wrist. The features on it are pretty useful, it has a virtual mapmaker, a small radar that can detect people around and even tell if they were hostile or not by indicating a red dot, and its even a radio that can pick up any frequency. I listen the vault’s radio from time to time, but another feature the PipBoy has is a geiger counter, a sort of meter that tells you how much radiation you have absorbed and how much radiation is in the area around you. All of this.. The vault, the PipBoys, everything was made by a corporate company called Vault-Tech who made many inventions for the US.

 Anyways let’s get back to the good stuff shall we?  

 That evening, we were at the armory. I took up a 3rd grade bulletproof vest that might save my life if I shot in the chest with a shotgun. The 10m pistol as my sidearm along with a Remington combat shotgun, I was all set. Leo took up a 10m sub-machine gun with the same kind of armor as me, while Vance took a M4 Carbine with a laser sight.

 Hark’s workstation is a giant power room and likely had some people working for him so we had to take no chances for this operation. We were in position next to the entrance of the power room, the door was locked, Vance gave the signal, so I ran up to the door and shot at the door hinges.

 Leo raced into the room and took cover behind a console from within where he was met with an engineer wielding a lead pipe charging at him. Instead of firing at him, Leo was quick and grappled the aggressor, disarmed him, and threw his head to the console where he fell unconscious. Vance and I moved in.

 “Vault Security! Come out with your hands up!” Vance yelled, suddenly another engineer ran up to us with a revolver, but before he could raise his gun, Vance shot him twice in the chest. Wow, I do not hear that sound enough. two things were happening to me, the loud buzzing sound in my ears from the noise of the rifle and me attempting to swallow a bit a puke i made after seeing Vance kill someone. I was half panicking at this point, but I kept my shotgun close and pressed on along with Leo and Vance. These engineers are clearly working for Hark, why else would they attack us in his workstation?

 We went up the stairs into a control room where we meet with Hark and another engineer.I shot the engineer in the kneecap right before he reached for a gun, then kicked his head in knocking him out cold. Leo quickly tackled Hark to the ground and grappled him into a hold he can’t escape, Me and Vance looked into the control pad and his personal terminal to find any evidence.

“Heh, you wont find nothing here, it’s all gone.” said Hark. Vance quickly turned around and begins to interrogate him.

“Who were you talking to out there?” He said quite loudly.

“Bite my ass. man” Hark said in spite.

Vance quickly loses patience and punches Hark across the face, I was still on the control pad looking for any sort of evidence..

“Keep going, It’s what the Overseer wants isn’t it? To keep us locked up in here while he still has control over us?”

“Don’t make me ask again asshole, who did you contact?!” I noticed something in the control panel... Power from the water filtration and food production units are suddenly being depleted.

“Our future... I contacted our future.. and they know where we are.. it won't be long..”

“Wont be long for what?!” Vanced yelled

Hark just laughed, “Until they get here, and liberate us all!”

“I’ve heard enough.” said Vance, Leo released Hark, Vance aimed his rifle at Hark’s head and fired.

Thank god I was looking at the control pad, I would have vomited from the amount of blood, skull and brain matter spread around the room. But I was busy looking at a specific power unit, and a specific security camera...

“uhh...guys?” I said awkwardly. When they came up to me I pointed at the power units.

“The power from water filtration  and food production is being transferred into a different source.”

“That, can’t be possible...those units have power 24/7” said Leo

“Where is the power going to?” asked Vance.

The unit labeled ‘Vault Entrance’ is powered for the first time in centuries. I pointed at the security monitor and changed to the channel where it was looking at the vault door...

“My God..” Leo said.

 Not quite your average day In Vault - O26

 Hark transferred power from filtration and food production to the Vault entrance, meaning someone from the outside can open the vault.. The great vault door was Opening...

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