Definitely alot heaver than the others, the security jumpsuit has a black, type III bullet proof vest attachment with a short wave radio and a holster for pistol firearms.

  Strangely enough, our vault's armory is massive. With only about 4000 residence, we have a large quantity of weaponry that can cover more than triple our population, not to mention armor and ammunition. It's like, we're expecting a war to happen. 

  A war DID happen though, something around 200 years ago. Maybe the government that created the Vaults overstocked them with weapons, armor and ammunition to expect the worst.

  Buuuut, it's been more than 200 years so with no real trouble. We don't really need them! 

  The armory has this cool system that automatically keeps the weapons clean and efficient. Just so the gear isn't collecting dust I suppose.

  In Vault Omega 26 students who complete about 12 years of education, have to take a profession exam which determines the job you will have for the rest of your life in the vault.

 Don’t ask me how, but I got ‘Vault Security’ as my profession, I actually went to the professor to find out if this was a mistake. Me, the kid being teased for 12 years, gets security? Well, It turns out the test found out that I can memorize the vault rules (which is an extremely long list that may as well be a book) and that I know what authority powers should be used on, All that useless stuff.

 So here I am as security, It ain't so bad, I think I get more respect this way, all the bullies from years ago now ignore me. Liam also got security, so if they do pick on me, they got Liam to worry about. (Or I can just bash their heads in with my baton) As security, we had to take weapon drills on a fire range. according to the statistics, I am the most accurate shot in the force, which I do pride myself with.

   A useless skill though.

 I marched into the Overseer’s office and noticed two other security guards there.

“You asked for me, sir?” I said.

“Yes, take a seat Kenneth, I have to address something to all of you”

  In every vault, there is always an Overseer, the leader of the vault that ‘Oversees’ everything. I’m not sure how it is like on the other vaults, but the way we get our overseers is from an election through high ranking workers. Including high ranking Officers,Engineers,Professors, and so on. an Overseer is a position that lasts a lifetime.

  From what I can gather based on what I see. the two officers including myself are the most “experienced” in the force. In the vault we’re always issued a 10m pistol, when on patrols and such, but we hardly ever use them. The two officers including myself may be the only ones in the force that have ever fired upon a citizen, I remember months ago a citizen drunk out of his mind was going on a rampage and threatened to kill his wife. He forced me to pull out my gun and fire a shot into his leg before he ran to get a weapon of some sort.  

 Leo, one of the officers there, only fired a shot above a woman’s head while she was high out of her prescription drugs, The woman took way more than needed from her prescription which is what caused her to try to charge Leo when he showed up to control the situation. Leo, I believe is the shortest man on the force, a slender 5’3. His frame was built small, and looked like he would have trouble lifting a heavy book. 

 Now Vance, the other officer, has a different story. Vance is a tall, muscular, ebony man who reaches , making Leo look like a stick. Vance was called in as backup to control a small gang of troubling people who were robbing people of their ration coupons. One thing lead to another, and one of the gang members struck an officer unconscious with a chair leg, Vance didn't hesitate. He pulled out his 10m and shot the gang member in the head twice, and a few shots that missed the rest of the gang. The whole thing become a great controversy in the vault, but was soon forgotten.

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