chapter three.

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"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella," Peggy replied.

The lady walked behind the counter as the trio walked into a side room. They stopped in front of a bookshelf when it slid to the side and opened up. Peggy led the way with Evelyn and Steve in tow. Everybody they walked passed stopped to look at Steve; the possible answer to the end of the war. When they reached the end, two men opened up the doors that led into a massive lab with a capsule sitting in the middle. Everybody stopped what they were doing to look up at Steve. Evelyn turned to look at Steve, who was almost a foot smaller than her and smiled at him as he looked at her. Peggy then directed the two down the spiral staircase and towards Erskine.

"Good morning," he shook Steve's hand. There was a flash of a camera and Evelyn's eyes took a second to adjust from the bright light. "Please, not now." Steve nervously looked at his capsule. "Are you ready?" Steve nodded. "Good. Take off your shirt, your tie, and your hat." Steve turned around and looked at Evelyn nervously. She playfully rolled her eyes and turned around to give him privacy. After a couple of seconds, Evelyn turned back around to see Steve sitting down in the capsule. He then turned around and laid down in it.

Evelyn made her way up to him and smiled. "Comfortable?"

"It's a little big," he admitted.

"If the serum works, you should grow an extra few feet," Evelyn notified him and he nodded.

"You save me any of that schnapps?" Steve asked Erskine who stood beside Evelyn.

"Not as much as I should have. Sorry. Next time," Erskine apologised. "I'm fairly certain Agent Parrish drank it all, anyway." The three shared a laugh while Evelyn shrugged. "Now, Mr Stark, how are your levels?" Erskine called out. Evelyn turned around and watched as Howard walked up to them.

"Levels at 100%," Howard replied, walking up to the trio. He gave Evelyn a large grin and pulled her into his side. "How're you doing, Evie?"

Evelyn grinned back. "Hey, Howard."

Howard turned back towards Steve and Erskine. "We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready as we'll ever be."

"Agent Carter? Don't you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?" Erskine asked Peggy.

"Yes, of course. Sorry," she apologised and quickly headed up.

"You can go too if you want, Evelyn. Or stay here," Erskine said.

"I think I'll stay here, make sure Howard doesn't mess anything up." Howard playfully narrowed his eyes at Evelyn. "Well, sometimes I do have to supervise you or things tend to explode."

"Explode?" Steve quickly asked.

Evelyn turned back around to Steve and gave him a reassuring smile. "You'll be okay, trust me."

Steve let out a big sigh and nodded. "I trust you."

Evelyn walked away from Steve after one last smile and walked up to Howard who was standing by the controls. "Will it work?" she asked.

"Are you doubting both Erskine and myself?" He teased.

"Well, with how the flying car worked the other day...."

¹AGENT PARRISH ( steve rogers )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon