Alpha female

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I nodded at Jeremy and the pack to advance, they did so cautiously but they were next to me in no time **Kim, I want you and Patch to be survalence, scope out the area tell us what you see and if there are anyothers tell me ok?** The both nodded their heads, **good, Gabriel and Harry Stay low, I want you two to be back up, if anything goes wrong message me. Brayton Nick Jules and  Gavin you guys are with me. Everyone else space yourselves out and if anything goes wrong you know what to do** everyone nodded, I realised Blake was still standing there, staring at me, **Blake?** I asked him sweetly snapping him out of his trance

**Yes??** I smile inside

**I want you to look after the cub, make sure he stays safe** everyone burst into laughted when Blakes face dropped

**You want me to babysit!?!?** Blake basically yelled at me,

**Yes and if you have a problem with that we could always change tactics.We could go for stupid human gets lost naked and has to ask for help, would you rather play the stupid human or look after the sweet little bundle of fur?** I gently nudged Micky and he smiled his tounge falling out of his little mouth. A wolfen smile streched across my face

**Fine, I'll babysit,** he trudged off to where Micky had scuttled behind a tree. We all moved to our postions.

**Red! Dont go through the door!!** Jeremy yelled at me, I haulted immedietly

**Jeremy, tell me what youve found** I was getting worried why not the door??

** The door opens into the living room there are about 13 wolves there, we're strong but you'd be killed** right doors a no go then

** Is there another way in?** Come on Jeremy, please tell me you've found another way in

**Sorry Alpha, no other way in, not even a back door** Damn!

**Thanks anyway Jeremy, boys, change of plan I want you lot in the bushes now, when I tell you go in the house** they all nodded and walked away, I stayed where I was.

** Red whats going on?** I heard Blake ask me

**Red whats with the change of plan?** I heard Kim ask

** RED!! Dont do this! We can find another way around this! RED!** I heard the bushes where Jeremy was move, oh no you dont

**JEREMY STAY THERE!! THATS AN ORDER!!** I used my Alpha voice on him and he stopped dead

** Yes Alpha, sorry Alpha** He whimpered, Im so sorry Jeremy I thought to myself, I took a step towards the door

**Red? Whats  happening?** Blakes thoughts entered my head, I opened the channel to everyone so I could talk to them all

**All of you stay where you are until I tell you otherwise, that is an order and you will follow it** I closed the channel completely blocking everyone. The door was around 10feet infront of me I took a deep breath preparing myself for what was baisically suicide. At least 13 to 1, I must be insane.

Without another thought I launched at the door breaking it down, all the people inside stared at me in disbelief, **I believe you have some friends of mine** I thought to them calmly

"Who the hell are you?!?!'' I tall muscular guy yelled at me, he must be the the leader of these filthy mongrels

** I am the Alpha of this land! And you are tresspassing** I yelled back

" THE FEMALE ALPHA!!!!!" They yelled at me the tall muscular guy spoke again, the words I was hoping for

"GUYS LETS GET HER!!!" They all started shifting and I ran. I was out of the door and into the trees in less than 10seconds, I heard clothes tearing and the padding of paws behind me. Come on! Come on! I yelled at my self I opened the channel to Brayton Nick Jules and  Gavin ** GUYS GO IN THE HOUSE NOW! GET THE TRAPPED PACK AND GET OUT I'LL KEEP THEM FOR AS LONG AS I CAN!** I closed the channel again before they argued, I could still hear the padding of paws behind me, they're fast, i'll give them that but how good are they at corners, I took a sharp left not slowing down, they kept up though, damn! Come on Radiana you are and Alpha!! You can out run these rouges!! I took another hard left, the trees are getting thicker! I thought to myself this could be bad...


The channel opened again and Red shouted ** GUYS GO IN THE HOUSE NOW! GET THE TRAPPED PACK AND GET OUT I'LL KEEP THEM FOR AS LONG AS I CAN!** I was about to tell her that we can help her but she closed the channel, **she's gonna get her self killed!** I thought to Nick Brayton and Jules, Nathan replied saying **well the faster we do this the faster we can help her so move your furry butt!** He shoved past me running toward the door he reached the door and poked his head around the corner **Its clear! They've all went after Red, LETS DO THIS!** He charged into the house not even waiting for us, me Brayton and Nick sprinted to the house, and I can say one thing it stunk. ** Anyone else smell that?** I asked, Nathan nodded his shaggy head

** I know their rouges but havent they ever heard of soap?** Nick asked

**I dont even think they've heard of water** Jules butted in making us all laugh. A small whimper brought us out of our conversation,

** I think it came from over there** Nick whispered, we all starred down a long corridor, no one moved for a while. Another whimper came from the end of the corridor and Brayton set off down the corridor, he came to the end of the corridor and stopped he starred around for a little while looking puzzled, he stopped dead for a second, then started banging one of his paws on the wall, suddenly a hollow sound came from the wall, secret door, I walked up to Brayton as he started trying to smash down the wall/door, he smashed in to it 5 times before he stopped, not even a little dint. He starred at the door/wall then walked off as if he'd given up, I starred at the wall for a while trying to figure out some other way to get through, until I heard fast paws from behind me, Brayton was running at the wall full pelt, I squeezed into the corner just as he impacted the wall going right throught it!! I heard a thud as he hit the ground. A few more whimpers sounded from the darkness they must think were the rouges coming back to get them or something. I couldnt see a thing so I found the wall and poked the walls with my nose until I came across a switch poking it with my nose a light flickered on reveling al least 50 females some wolves some girls, and young children **WHAT THE HELL??** Jules yelled behind me, all the wolves coward in fear.

**We wont hurt you** I thought to them stepping cautiously forward **we are from the pack in this area, we have come to help, our Alpha found a little wolf boy in the woods, he told us you were here and...** I was cut off by a female wolf jumping up

**MICKEY!! MY BOY WHERE IS HE!?!?** Her eyes were wild as they darted from one of us to the other.

** He is safe, but you have to come with us now. Our Alpha distracted the wolves that took you, she is currently being chased by them, please hurry the sooner we are out of here the sooner our pack can help her**

**Her?? OH MY GOD!!! YOUR ALPHA IS THE FEMALE WOLF ISNT SHE!?!?!** I nodded my head slightly **We are honoured** not one of them questioned us after that as they all stood up, some what shakely, and we lead them out of the house once they were all outside in the cover of the trees, I tried to contact Alpha Redd, **Alpha we have got all the wolves out of the house, its safe now, you can stop running now...** I stopped when a almost inaudible whimper broke through my thoughts I know the others heard because there faces hardened. **THEY HAVE HER!!!** Jeremy yelled he ripped through the trees his body shaking in anger he ran in the direction Red and the rouges ran,  we all followed him no hesitation, Jeremy was in the front for only a short while because Blake rocketed passed all of us, his whole body a blur. I could hear him chanting to himself **come on, hurry up, must go faster, have to protect her** if anyone can save Red it's Blake, I just hope he can make it in time...


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Thanks guys xxx

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