Alpha female: Learn your place

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Redd's prov:

I walked into class just as the bell went, Blake was sitting in a chair next to the window staring out of the window his whole''You ok?'' I tapped him on the shoulder, he jumped a foot

''Hey? What? Oh yer im fine'' his voice quivered, and he looked like his head was in a whole other place, like he was trying to will himself to be somewhere else

''You cant lie to me, im an Alpha I know when people are lying to me'' pulling out the chair next to him I saw fear take over his face for a split second.

''It doesnt matter'' Blake looked away from me, just tell me please why cant you just tell me these things.

''You can tell me Blake, you can trust me'' I squeezed his hand

''It's...'' He stopped as Greg walked in, quickly I shoved my hand in my pocket before Greg seen.

''What are you doing with this mutt again babe? I dont like him, come on'' Greg putted me to his side, or at least tried to, ''whats wrong?'' He looked at me.

''Did you not here me the other night? Leave me alone'' I slammed his hand to his leg, Greg looked at me like I was joking,stupid little boy. He threatened my family no one but no one does that

''Redd baby, I love you, and I aint leaving this room until you kiss me like always. Now you can either kiss me now voluntarily or I can make you,your choice'' big mistake.

''Well then why dont you make me cause Im not moving''  Blake's arm tenced at what I said, I felt his body prime itself for an attack like id need his help.

''you cant beat me Redd you know you cant, so just leave that mutt and get over here, before you get hurt!'' Greg gave me a menicing look. Im done playing his games, time to play mine

''Gregory, sit!'' I used my Alpha voice on him, sure enough he sat down.''You under-estimate me Greg, im alot stronger than you think. Now leave'' I kept my face neutral as possible.Greg got up and walked out the door, but not with out those famous last words ''i'll be back.''

Blake was starring out of the window when I looked back to him.''Blake tell me what's wrong'' he bowed his head

''Come to my pack house tonight, i'll tell you then,'' Blake didnt look up from the window where he was staring.

''Whatever it is Blake it'll be ok. I can promise you that.''

The whole day passed in a blur, my mind focused on getting to the Thompson pack house to find out what was making Blake act so weird.

***************************AFTER SCHOOL***************************

''Jeremy take the boys home. Im going to the Thompson pack house, i'll see you when I get home'' I ran to where Blake was waiting for me. As I got to him he started to walk away, ''Blake are you going to tell me what happened?'' I caught his shoulder turning him around, his cheeks soaked in tears. My heart felt like someone had stabbed me.''Just follow me'' his voice was cold and distant

''No'' I turned away from him, not about to be spoken to in that manner,

''You think you have authority over me?!?! You are wrong...'' I didnt let him finish

''May I remind you that you are talking to an Alpha! I COULD HAVE TO BEHEADED FOR THAT!! BOY!! GO HOME AND TELL YOUR PACK ONE MORE STEP OUT OF LINE AND YOU WILL BE BANISHED FROM THIS LAND, AND ALL WHO LIVE HERE!!!'' Turning on my heels I ran before Blake could grab my arm, but I heard him yelling at me, ''REDD! IM SORRY! PLEASE, YOU CANNOT BANISH US FROM THIS PLACE!!!'' I should take his apology, yet I didnt

''Just watch me'' I ran into the woods, hoping to get away from all the stresses of being, well, me.



Ive been crying all day, the tears just wouldnt stop. By the end of the day, I ran out of tears to cry, but I knew that my eyes were red. I spotted Redd running over to me and started to walk in the other direction just before she got to me. '' Blake are you going to tell me what happened?'' Redd grabbed my shoulder with so much force that I spun around exposing my puffy eyes.''Just follow me'' my voice came out colder than I wanted but I didnt have a chance to change, I didnt have the energy to change it I just felt drained

''No'' she turned away, my body started shaking, this will not end well

''You think you have authority over me?!?! You are wrong...'' I was just about to blow

 ''May I remind you that you are talking to an Alpha! I COULD HAVE TO BEHEADED FOR THAT!! BOY!! GO HOME AND TELL YOUR PACK ONE MORE STEP OUT OF LINE AND YOU WILL BE BENISHED FROM THIS LAND, AND ALL WHO LIVE HERE!!!'' Redd stalked away from me,my heart was breaking ''REDD! IM SORRY! PLEASE, YOU CANNOT BANNISH US FROM THIS PLACE!!!'' She cant make me leave her, no way can she make me.

Instead of her turning around she turned her head to the side and whispered ''Just watch me''



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