Alpha female: I messed up...

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Why was I crying its not like Redd would actually let him mate her,''come on Blake just relax at least she let you in, well technically that other guy did but youre in'' I told my reflection as I splashed cold water on my face, staring at my ghostly reflection, before heading back down stairs

''boys, hear me out I know you want to protect her but I love Redd so I thought I'd tell you that I plan to mate her but only if she wants me to'' Greg was standing at the door hand in the air in surrender.

''You know we dont like you so why would you tell us this?'' The boy who let me in before,Jeremy I think his name is, stood tall infront of the other boy. Greg looked from him to me 

''YOU!!! You stupid wolf kid I told you to leave my girl alone!!!!!!!!! Your dead!!'' Greg lunged towards me but was caught be Jeremy ''get the hell off of me!!! I'll kill the both of you!!!!'' Greg squirmed but couldnt get out of the death grip Jeremy had hold of him by ''Redd wont be to happy when she she hears about this'' he moved again but Jeremy wasnt letting go, there was a large thud and the air shifted in the blink of an eye Redd was standing next to the staircase leaning on it calmly

''HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!'' Maybe not so calm. Redd's voice boomed making my ears vibrate, and I wasnt even half way down the stairs ''YOU SHOW UP HERE BURST IN TO MY HOUSE AND THEN THREATEN MY FAMILY AND GUEST!?!?!?!?'' Redd's face was a bright crimson, she nodded at the boys and they released Greg making him land on the floor with a thud

''Babe you know I dont mean it I just wanted to see you'' he took a step forward making my wolf growl at him ''HEY!! Watch it mutt!!'' Greg hissed at me

''leave'' Redd's voice was calm but her body was shaking with anger,

''but babe I......''

''LEAVE'' Redd's tone went up a notch, but Greg still didnt get the point

''Plea......'' Redd ran so she was right in front of him

'''' Redd's breath was ragged with restrain,Greg's eyes flashed with fear

''Fine I will but tell your little wolfy friends that they better watch them selves b....'' He didnt get chance to finish because Redd pounced on to him


Sure enough Greg stood up and left the house, Redd stood up glanced around then ran back upstairs I heard a loud bang (probably her bedroom door) ''freaking great'' I sat on the stairs

''You should go talk to her'' Jeremy flashed up to me crouching on the step infront of me ''she needs comfort and I think most of us forget that, she doesnt show weakness in front of the rest of the pack so we dont really know if she's hurting'' Jeremy looked at the floor, almost disapointed in himself "she looks after us so well, expecially since we're all just young kids really. Sometimes we forget shes no older than us. She needs help, whether she admits it or not"

''Why will she want to see me?'' I felt so stupid asking that but I had to

''First off, she hesitated to let you in normally she just says no sorry then closes the door on the person,but with you she didnt know what to do'' he smiled behind his hair

''Is there a second, because im not convinced''

''She has been in a world of her own, since she first seen you she's smiling like really smiling I haven't seen her do that in about 50 years, you did that you made her smile just by being here imagine what you could do if you were trying to help? Just go and talk to her please? She needs it'' he smiled then left to answer the door. 'She needs you just go nothing bad could happen' my wolfs voice was almost begging 'fine' I quietly went up stairs to a purple door that said Redd in bold red letters, at least she has good taste.''Eeeeerrrrr, Redd?'' I knocked quietly but there was no answer, I pushed the door open, Redd was sitting on her bed her head down ''Redd?'' I took a step forward,she held out her hand

''What do you want?'' Her voice was demanding and fierce

''I just came to see if you were ok, is that a crime?'' I sat down on a chair next to her desk

''Well im fine, now go down stairs and make sure that the boys dont rip each other apart over the food'' she had tear marks down her face, no way im leaving her like this

'' Hey? Why are you so upset? You got rid of that prick and you havent a scratch on you'' I really was confused she had got rid of greg and she was safe so why was she crying?

''Because if Greg figures out im the girl Alpha he will.....kill them.....all of them'' her voice wavered from threatening to fearful

''Who? Redd who will he kill?'' If he even threatens her i'll kill him

''My pack! I told you I would protect them forever and now I have put them in harms way'' Redd's head fell downwards ''what kind of Alpha am I'' it was more of a statement then a question but

''youre the kind of Alpha that would give up everything to save one member of your pack,youre protective over your pack and you wont let anything happen to them,youre the best kind of Alpha there is. Now come and get some food,if theres any left'' I sat down next to her stroking her hair with my thumb. Shes so strong and so fragile, the perfect contradiction. She eye were slightly bloodshot from crying but the tears had stopped for now.

''OK'' she whispered to me before she started moving ''thank you Blake'' she kissed me on the cheek then left the room.

SHE KISSED ME SHE ACTUALLY KISSED ME!!!!!!!!! WWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW BACKFLIP!!!!! ''OUCH!'' I did actually do a back flip but I didnt land it,but if was so worth it. I love that girl!!!!!!!




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