Alpha female: Uncomfortable talk

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After telling that Blake kid to go check on Redd I put all the food out on the table,just like Redd does, then moved well away from the table ''FOODS HERE!!!'' I moved further away as I heard the stamped of feet that was surely the rest of the pack, they all burst through the door and scrambled towards the food ( little tip never get in the way of hungry wolves, it wont end well for you) they all grabbed hands full of food before retreating back to their rooms to eat in quiet.


When Redd came down stairs she had tear marks down her face, even though she had tried to wipe them away,''hey'' I took a step towards her as she walked up to me ''you ok now?'' I ducked so I could see her face,she smiled at me

''yer thanks Jeremy'' Redd headed for the food after that ''have you had any yet?'' she turned around holding a plate ful if food

''No not yet but I will have some later'' actually I was just waiting to see if Redd would actually be ok but now she mentions it I am fairly hungry. Like on que my stomach rumbled

''Here Jeremy take this'' Redd put the plate ful of food in to my hands

'' No im fine''

''Hey im Alpha so what I say goes now eat something I cant have my second starving himself now can I?'' She stood infront of me waiting for a response

''Thank you Redd'' she smiled at me,as I tackled her in to a hug ''you may be Alpha but I bet I could still kick your ass at basketball'' she hates it when I bring up the fact that I beat her 3 shots nothing last year, but she always smiles when I say im better than her

''You may have won at basketball but im better at everything else'' we pulled away from one and other as a growl echoed from the hall, Blake was standing staring at me and Redd like we had just murdered his farther ''hi Blake you want summit to eat'' I shook my head at him letting him know I didnt like Redd in 'THAT' way he eyed me suspiciously but walked in and took some food.There was an awkward silence but Redd broke it ''not that you two arent great fun or anything I need to go check on every one else i'll be back soon'' she ran off to find everyone else leaving me and Blake alone........shit

''Why were you hugging her?'' Blake turned to face me his face strained, yikes massive vein on fore head alert

''Because Redd's my bestfriend and she looked like she needed it.'' I looked at his face for a second ''no, no dont tell me to stay away from her Blake cause thats not going to happen Redd is my Alpha for one and for two we have know eachother since the day we were born we have a bond between us thats how I know she needed some one to talk to....'' Blake cut me off

''I dont believe you!!'' He gave me a dirty look

''Well im not a liar, any way like I was going to say before you interupted me I know everything about Redd that she does and I know things that she hasnt figured out herself yet'' he snarled at me

''Like what!??!'' He was clearly agitated at the idea of me knowing more about Redd than he does

''Like the fact that you two are 'mates', she hasnt figured it out yet so back off or she never will'' they werent mates, not really...But she is his I think...

''What do you mean or she never will?'' Blake is so going to kill me

''If I choose to I can make Redd forget things things that she doesnt want to remember or things she doesnt know yet'' Blake starred at me unmoving ''I do not want to get in the way of her happiness but dont push me Thompson boy cause if you threaten this pack Redd wont need me to make her forget, she'll forget you all by herself'' I didnt want to sound mean but he was standing so danm close to me, I have personal space and I like to keep it that way "ive wiped her memory before, and if needs be I will again" 

''What do you mean?'' Blake moved back giving me room to breath

''Well if someone purposly hurts one of us, Redd has the power to literally erase them from her entire life its an Alpha thing your dad can probably do it too its like theres a blank spot in photos where you used to be and your number comes up as unknown to her, she protects this pack with everything she even had us chipped so she knows where we are, just in case we get lost or wolfnapped stuff like that'' Blakes expression was of disbelief. He visibly relaxed

''ok remind me not to mess with Redd when shes pissed she might have me nutered or something'' we both burst out laughing at that, just as Redd came back in the room

''So are you two friends now?'' She looked from Blake to me then back ''such a shame I bet Gabriel £15 that Jeremy would have Blake in a head lock guess I dont get any money'' Redd giggled as I ran towards her, I could see Blake fighting to stop himself from going for my throat,

''Hey you just gonna stand there or you gonna help me?!'' I yelled at him, he looked at me tickling Redd smiled then dived in tickling her as well

''NO.............STOP...........IT......'' Redd shouted inbetween giggles

''EEERRRRMMMM NO!!'' I shouted back before tickling her harder

'' PLEASE JEREMY BLAKE I CANT TAKE IT!!!!!" She looked at us both her eyes pleading I nodded as we all got up

"Remember how easly we made you give in next time we might not hear your pleas for help'' I smirked at her then left, Redd is so going to kill me later.

Alpha femaleWhere stories live. Discover now