Alpha female: Fears of the past haunt us forever.

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The door swung open and Redd walked into the room,I guess she's in my class, ''hi again'' I said as I smiled that was so lame! What the hell is up with me? ''Cute''.....wait did she say cute YES!!!!! I jumped out of my chair and started dancing, instantly she burst out laughing at me ''you...............really'' she said in between giggles. I quickly ran to her, her body inches from mine''I can so dance'' I made my face look stern but she was still giggling at me, I didnt care it was fun to see her happy, she looked like a normal girl like this, not the on edge Alpha Id imagined her to be ''hey can I ask you something?'' This has always been on my mind but I couldnt ask my dad he would strip me of my post if I did, telling me how weakness isnt to be tolerated.

''yes it is difficult being an alpha, but it comes naturally, its instinct so you have no reason to fear becoming an alpha just go with your instincts.....'' she was cut off as the door swung open

'' Miss Tyler, are you joining my class today?'' The woman (who I guessed was the teacher) spoke with a sharp tone I felt a growl in my throat as she spoke like that to Redd, '' yes I think I will join your class today miss, I didnt get much sleep last night so maybe this will help'' a fake smile plastered it's self on to Redd's face, oh shes a bad girl, this woman is a dream.

''I will not be spoken to in that tone of voice you pathetic excuse for a lady'' the growl in my throat escaped through my lips before I could control it,the teacher stared at me in shock.''Did you just growl at me boy?!?!?'' It was obvious she was angry but she shouldnt of spoke to Redd like that, shes an amazing woman, just because she doesnt have glasses painted on the end of her nose doesnt make her pathetic.

''Yes I did you got a problem with that?'' With out a second thought my legs started moving me towards her, the womans eyes looked hollow, dead,like someone had removed the happiness from them ''DETENTION BOTH OF YOU!!!!!'' I clutched my ears to stop them ringing,so did Redd stupid super hearing ''NOW SIT DOWN!!!!'' She was still yelling and my ear drums vibrated from her voice, but we both did what she asked and sat down the teacher walked to the door telling students off for the slightest imperfections. Well im not going to enjoy this lesson

''When your alpha no matter when it is whether its in a week or  hundreds of years just remember you cant protect everyone and you'll be a great alpha to any pack I give you my word'' Redd finished what she had been telling me before the old lady from hell interrupted, then glanced at her watch ''cover your ears'' I quickly did although I had no idea................RRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! The bell rung telling people to get to their lessons.

I uncovered my ears once the bell stopped ''thank you'' I dared a glance at Redd to see her staring intently at the door her deep eyes unblinking, taking one sniff at the door I immediately knew why she was staring 'ROUGE' my wolf hissed, the heavy wooden door swung open and the rancid smell of rouge filled my nostrils. The rouge stared in my direction and nodded before making his way over to me and Redd ''morning beautiful'' he whispered to Redd's ear I felt another growl creep its way up my throat, he was way to close to her, why was she letting him that close? DAMN! How could I have been so easily mislead by her of course she was a rouge she didnt smell like the rest of her pack she smelled of the woods like rouges do, ofcourse she's one of them!!!!!!! I mentally slapped myself for my stupidity, blinded by a pretty face and amazing body.

Suddenly I felt something jab my wolf com (a way all wolves connect through thought and can speak to eachother) 'I wasnt lying to you, im not a rouge...He is' my jaw clenched tight he was a rouge and he was touching her 'he doesn't know im a werewolf never mind an alpha thats the reason I dont smell like my boys because if he finds out im a werewolf he'll kill them but if im his friend he tells me every thing and I can keep' she flashed a smile to me "Greg this is one of the new kids, hes called Bl..." The rouge cut her off

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