Alpha female:A step too far.

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Today is going to be horrible my blood brother is coming to school because I refuse to bring Redd to our house in the woods, I dont even think she likes me anymore after she shoved me out her house, she's actually quite strong considering she's a human girl.''Brother come on I do not want to be late for my first day of school!!'' My blood brother yelled at me

''Shut up!!!'' I yelled back of him, but I instantly regretted it

''I am alpha and you will treat me with respect!!'' He yelled back at me before I heard the door slam shut.

''You'd think he be calmer than this, but of course not'' I said to myself before picking up my school bag and heading for the door, today is going to be fun.



I dont believe I forgot the meeting!! Im 20 minutes late! And I had to run out of Redd damn dad!!!


''Now as you all know Alpha Redd and her pack have been here for many years and as im sure your aware Redd's father was killed 54 years ago by the rouges that live in this area, Alpha Redd has asked us not to get in the way of the rouges as she has spent many years trying to infiltrate their pack, she has also informed me that she is perfectly happy with us staying as long as we do not harm any of her pack'' my dad stood in front of the pack telling them what Redd had told us earlier, he spotted me as soon as I joined the rest of the pack at the back. ''My son where have you been!? I have had half the pack out looking for you, I thought the rouges had got you!!'' He motioned for me to come forward

''Sorry father I was with Redd and her pack'' as soon as the words left me mouth a frown crossed my fathers face

''As I remember Alpha Redd asked that non of us enter her pack's house without good reason?'' The whole of the pack turned to face me, this could be amusing

''Yes I know, you see I was out running and I was quite distorted over our conversation, I did not know where I was going until I reached Redd's house I knocked on the door, she glanced around unable to decide whether to allow me enterance....'' my dad cut me off

''She did not know what to do? She should always know what to do!!!'' My father believes that all Alphas should know everything all the time.

''She did not know what to do because she wanted to let me in to protect someone so dear in your heart, to show that our pack is excepted, and to show that she does trust our pack, but her pack had asked for our pack not to enter, she didnt want to go against her packs wishes but did not want to seem unwelcoming to us. But her second, Jeremy, told me I could come inside as long as I didnt make a habit of it'' my dad looked me up and down before nodding at me. ''Sorry i'm late Alpha,''my farther nodded again then continued with his speech. But I wasn't listening I was to focused on Redd how could she not know we're mates? I mean I know she's the first ever natural born female, and everything but it should be instinct, Shouldn't it be?


''ALPHA! PLEASE HELP ME ALPHA!!!'' A loud scream shook my head inside and out. I burst out of my bed towards the cause of the scream, what I found was enough to turn even the strongest of stomach's.''Maddie.........'' My voice was hollow tears in my eyes ''no please no'' I knelt down to the bleeding lump that was lying on the floor

'' .....Blake......Help me........p-p-p'' Maddie's voice was cut off by my father's yell

''MY CHILD!!'' He ran towards her collapsing to his knee's ''my sweet little Maddie, who hurt you my angel'' he was controlling his anger,but his eyes were giving him away.''.......the.....rouges showed.....up....they, they all....they said..........we were'' Maddie coughed up blood rolling on to her side so she could see us.Her deep brown eyes swirled with ruby red blood.''Why here? Why now?'' My tears had escaped my eyes and were now leaving wet trails down my cheeks,my sister, my little sister they took her from her pack and mate,just to....well I dont know why they brought her here.

''Blake go to school I will look after Maddie'' my father looked at the floor where a pool of blood had formed around the 3 of us

''Im going no where n......''

''I WAS NOT ASKING YOU I WAS TELLING YOU, GO TO SCHOOL!!!!!'' His eyes moved from the floor to me anger burning my soul at the intensity of his stare, slowly I stood up and walked towards my school.''Damn rouges!'' I yelled to myself as I walked to school.Im so damn angry!!!!!!!! They hurt my little sister, she's only 15!!!! What kind of a threat is she to them?!?!?!?! ''I'LL KILL 'EM!!!!!!!!!'' Shoving my body into a tree it fell with an almighty thud. I screeched into the cold morning air. Slowly I made my way to school not really in the mood to deal with the pack or anyone, but what choice did I have? My dad and the others in the pack will look after Maddie but I should be there telling her that everything will be ok, holding her hand and..........''HEY!!!! A loud voice boomed over to me

''Eeeeerrrmmm Hi?'' A boy with brown hair and almost luminous golden eyes strode over to me,ROUGE! My whole body wanted to launch at him,but I managed to stay put

''Hi i'm Kark, i'm looking for a young woman named Redd. Do you know where she is?'' The boy stuck his hand out and I shook his hand straining every bone in my body not to crush his hand

''Sorry I dont know where Redd is today, but if I see her I will tell her that you were looking for her, Kark'' he nodded at me then walked away.

what the hell did I do to deserve this punishment? What did Maddie do to deserve this...




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