Chapter 7

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The Bleeding Heart

Chapter 7


It was funny that the only thing that Queen Riza ever seemed to do was watch people pace about. She sat there, her posture straight, legs tightly pressed together, ankles crossed, hands perfectly folded together on her lap. Typical.

Her eyes followed the king's movements as he paced around enough to burn a whole on the floor. She was quite amused with his expression - worried and anxious, and she suppressed a giggle.

"Darling, unless you wish to wear out the carpet which, might I add, I love and treasure, I suggest you stop pacing about, worrying about William's trip which you were the first to agree to," she said softly but the tone of her voice carried a sense of demand that even the king had to stop his pacing.

He arched an eyebrow at his wife, "I am simply worried. It is his first trip, after all."

"Yes, I know," Riza said simply.

"What are you trying to say?" the king narrowed his eyes. He knew his wife too well to know that her short answers had other meanings than what was stated.

"I think you are being oddly pathetic," Riza said, not bothering to beat around the bush anymore.

"Pardon?" Theodore asked, raising an eyebrow.

Riza sighed, "I am worried as well and I am certain that there is a huge risk that he might be hurt and if worst comes to worst, well, he may never come back. I am scared and at times, I wish to be selfish and just throw another woman's son at the hands of Aria but that, I cannot do. It is my duty to be selfless and dutiful and responsible. It is William's duty to go and try to make peace and clarify our intentions with King Edric and the rest of Aria, just as it is also your duty to stop whining like a baby because your duty is to stay strong and lead your people into a stable future."

Theodore paused and looked thoughtful for a moment. He then glowered at his wife, "I wasn't whining, Elizabeth. I was simply worried."

"Of course you weren't whining, Theodore," Riza said, a tint of sarcasm in her voice. "I know that much."

They remained silent for a while until Theodore huffed.

Riza laughed, "If only your subjects knew what kind of a person you really are, Theo, you'd become the laughing stock of your own kingdom!"

"Oh, and what kind of a man am I that would make my own people laugh at me?" he countered.

"Should I make a list?" But without waiting for his response, she immediately pointed out his flaws and imperfections, "Crybaby, whiny, not at all confident ...should I continue?"

Theodore gave her a look and she took that as a yes, "Naïve, emotional, insecure, scrawny, afraid of petty things such as bugs-"

"Wait a moment," he stopped her. "My fear of bugs isn't something to be ashamed of. A person is allowed one fear! And the king is no exception!"

"Maybe so," Riza considered. "But still, it is a fear that everyone would laugh at."

"And that is why we keep that little fear of mine to ourselves," Theodore stated.

"You won't even tell the children," Riza shook her head.

"Definitely not them."

Riza gave out a snort of laughter that made the king smile in adoration. Elizabeth wasn't as elegant as her name, at least not in front of the public. She was an extraordinary woman, different from the other nobles he had met. She had two sides - the perfect lady everyone admires and the frightening yet unbelievably strong tomboyish woman nobody should know existed within her for it was against tradition for a queen to be a lady of no class. Theodore was lucky to be able to see both sides of her - becoming victim to one side in the process - but he wouldn't have it any other way.

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