Babysitting ↣ Dan & Phil

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Dan runs back down the stairs and turns into the kitchen, but he smacks his forehead against the glass door.

"Phil!" He yells after he slides the door open, holding his hand to his head. "Why'd you close the door?!"

"So she wouldn't run away again!" Phil motions to the four-year-old that's clinging to his leg with one hand, and holding a bag of Maltesers in the other.

"Aww," Dan gushes. "She's already taking after me!"

"Dan!" Phil exclaims, leaning over and taking the bag out of Winnie's hand. "(Y/N) said she wasn't allowed to have those!"

"No!" Winnie whines, reaching up for the bag of sweets.

Dan rolls his eyes and smiles. "Just give her the bag, Phil," he says simply, walking over to Phil. He takes the bag out of his hands and gives it to Winnie.

"Yay! Thank you Daddy!" Winnie smiles, reaching up to be held.

Dan smiles as he picks up the small girl. She's only four, almost five, and she's already picked up more of Dan's habits than yours. She looks more like you, with your hair and eye color, but when she smiles, she has Dan's dimple.

"You look so much like (Y/N)," Dan whispers, smiling a little.

Phil smiles too. "She's going to be absolutely crazy with all the sugar, though."

Dan smiles wider. "Who cares? She's allowed to have some sweets." He sets down Winnie, who immediately runs off with the bag of Maltesers in hand.

"(Y/N)'s going to kill you once she finds out you let her have candy," Phil comments.

Dan lifts his shoulder in a shrug and leans against the counter. "Nah. I'm a good dad."

A noise comes from down the hall that makes Dan and Phil wince. It's the sound of an out of tune piano being played very, very badly.

Phil tries to hold in his laugh. "Sounds like you're a great dad."

Dan rolls his eyes and rushes to his bedroom.

"Winnie! Stop playing the piano!"

"But I wanna be like you!"

"I'll teach you later, okay? Just-no, no! Winnie don't touch that! That's my-"

Too late. Winnie gets ahold of Dan's laptop.

"Winnie, put that down," Dan says, his voice suddenly serious.

"I wanna play games!" Winnie exclaims instead, opening the laptop and hitting the keyboard with her fingers, which are sticky from eating sweets.

Dan winces and runs over to her. "No, that's Daddy's, not yours," he says, taking the laptop out of her hands. "If you want to play games, we could-"

But Winnie is already off and running.

Dan sighs as Winnie jumps up and runs out of the room. Shortly after, he hears Phil calling his name from his room.

When Dan enters the Phil's room, he sees Phil sitting on his bed with his arms crossed. Winnie is attached to his leg again.

"Can you play with me, Uncle Philly?" Winnie says excitedly, clutching onto Phil's leg for dear life.

"Uncle Philly?" Phil laughs and looks at Dan. "Since when did she start calling me that?"

"I like your laugh, Uncle Philly," Winnie smiles up at him.

"Aww..." Phil uncrosses his arms and picks her up, setting Winnie on his lap. He tickles her and makes a funny face, and her bright laughter fills the room. "She's so cute!"

Dan and Phil Imagines (Requests CLOSED!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora