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There was a girl who once lived in New York. It was her birthday and her boyfriend was going to surprise her. He lived in Norway, and took a plane ride to New York to move in with her. He went to her apartment with all the gifts she could ever want. She came to the door wondering who in New York would celebrate with her when she told nobody about it. She didn't have friends in New York and she wished her boyfriend would be there with her. She opened the door and surprise! Her boyfriend was there. She couldn't believe it! He had been working eleven hours a day to afford to move in New York. He took her out for dinner on the top of  a skyscraper. It cost a lot of money, especially because nobody was allowed up there. He bribed the manager, and the manager just said to be very careful. The problem was that he was careless and only cared for his girlfriend. They were eating dessert when he was going to propose. But then his girlfriend got distracted by the view of the city. She loved looking at tall buildings and was amazed when people came up with amazing architectures. She asked the waiter if she could get a better view. He said the only way to get a better view was to harness a rope around herself and tie the other end to something sturdy, then jump hang to see the view. He then went inside to take orders. She didn't realize that he was joking so she did it. She grabbed a rope from the floor, since the top of the skyscraper wasn't completely built yet it still had construction equipment laying around. She asked her boyfriend to make sure the rope won't snap. He agreed and prayed to God that nothing would go wrong. She jumped off the building. She didn't read the sign next to the rope that it can only hold up to 75 pounds. She looked at the view and loved it. She then heard a snap. She quickly turned around to see that it was snapping. Her first move was to try and grab the other part, but it was too far. It snapped but her boyfriend caught it just in time. He pulled her over, but lost his balance and fell off. She tried to grab him but she was too short. His last thought was at least she didn't die. And he plunged into the street and died instantly.

Hey guys, comment some ideas for me and I will update faster. Pls? Thank you, and remember to follow me on Instagram as Yato_trash_

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