Start from the beginning

"You should so sing at homecoming, you would be great up there. And it would be a change from what you usually do" Aimee said her eyes distant and she a big smile.

I knew what she was thinking about. She was thinking about me being on stage singing my songs with every one cheering me on having fun. She knew that I knew what she was thinking so before I even got to say NO she cut me off

"Come on Tay, you should so do it. We'll help you and everything. Even with your stage fright that you claim to have, which I don't believe you have. Mostly after what you did back in the hall an hour ago. Plus your music is so much better than the music they play here anyway. I am sick and tired of the oldies the teachers pick out. And it would so cool to have a live band playing instead of an old record player." Aimee said with wide eyes pleading for me to do it.

"That would be so cool if you that and I could be on the drums" Levi chimed in with a big smile on his face.

"And I know how the play the base guitar" Aimee said talking to Levi. "We could so become a band if we wanted to all we need is a guitar player and singer" Aimee finished looking at me.

"Oh no come on guys I'm not that good plus we wouldn't have that much time to practice and getting equipments would be hard and I do have stage fright just when it comes to me and singing" I said folding my arms across my chest and not looking in their eyes. Because I know once I look into their puppy dog eyes or I would crack.

"I could easily set up equipments for you guys. I'm good with all the technical stuff and we could easily help you with your stage fright. And this could so bring Trish and her friends down on the popularity chart." Joel said with a big smile getting into their plans.

"We have a popularity chart?" I ask Joel with one eye brow raised.

"Ummm... well technically no. but I do. On my lap top." He said looking a little uncomfortable. "Anyhow this isn't about me it's about you and you singing at homecoming. I could so set it with the school with no problem. The principal loves me and my ideas anyway."Joel kept babbling.

"Hey don't I have a say in all this. What if I don't to do this" I said still looking way from them.

"Come on" they all said at the same time

"Love, look at me" Levi said in a soft voice. I still don't know why he calls me love. It's not like we love each other he know that he like a brother to me just like I'm a sister to him

"No" I said to him looking at the clock we had five min left until band practice start.

"Please look at me" he said in a sad pleading voice. GOD I hate when he does that to me. He knows I can't stand it when he uses that sad voice with me. So when I looked at him he put on his sad little puppy face "Please sing at homecoming"

"You know that I really hate you right now right" I said just as the bell rang

"I know. So is that a yes?" he asked as everyone else looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Fine, I'll meet you guys at band" And with that I walked out of the class room with my stuff headed to my locker.

When I got to my locker Luke was there waiting for me. Everyone knows that Luke is my neighbor and that we talk and every year so far Luke always walks me to the band room.

"Hey Luke, What's up?" I asked opening my locker.

"Nothing much. So what was that this morning?" Luke ask

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