YOU BELONG WITH ME! CH 21 luke pov

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Luke P.O.V


The past week has been the worst days of my life. Not being able to talk to Taylor and tell her what’s going on or how I didn’t mean a word I said. Not being able to write notes back and forth at the window with her -even though I still try- but now she keeps her curtains close all the time now. Not being able to walk her to her next class after lunch. I even notice that she avoids me at all cost. At school I can’t even get away from Trish. You would think we were attached at the hips. I even notice Taylor doesn’t stick up for her self any more, she just walks with her head down not even caring any more what people are saying. Half of the student body is following Trish on hating her but the other half actually likes Taylor for sticking up for self and telling Trish off. Hell some even want Taylor to be homecoming queen instead of Trish. Which I can’t blame them because if I had a choose who my queen would be, It would be Taylor in a heart beat.

Right now I could hear Taylor once again playing on her guitar. I wish I could turn back time and never said what I did. I wish I could go back and tell Trish that I didn’t want to talk to her. But of coarse the only way to save Taylor future was to hurt her. I know how important college is for her, and I know she would do the same thing for me too ‘I think.’ I stayed laying on my bed, deep in thought, avoiding Trish’s phone calls. Knowing she’ll give up and call one of her boy toys to comfort her. Plus I don’t want to go to the mall with her today so that she could try and win a singing contest. Which we all know she sucks at it. I took a deep breath before letting it out and closing my eyes thinking about Taylor once again and how she mush hate me.

My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts I checked the caller ID making sure it wasn’t Trish calling again. The number that showed up was unknown.

“Hello” I answered hoping it wasn’t Trish hiding her number, in hopes to get a hold of me. But then again Trish was never really that smart to think of hiding her number, hell I don’t think she even knows how.

“Hey Luke it’s Joel, look don’t talk just listen. Me and Levi know what’s going on between you and Trish. We also came up with a plan to get back at her for trying to hurt our best friend but we need your help. We plan on telling and showing Taylor about what happen between you too but we want you there with out Trish know your talking to Taylor again. So do you think you can meet us all at the mall? We plan on making Taylor sing against Trish.” Joel blabbed on but what I kept repeating in my head was that they know and that they can help. I was smiling to myself when I heard Joel calling my name.

“Hello Luke you there? You didn’t hang up on me dude, did you?”

“Oh sorry no I didn’t hang up on you but how did you find out?” I ask hoping they knew the whole story and not just half of it.

“Dude I’m a computer geek and the schools has cameras every where, on the field off the field plus I wanted to know what Trish wanted with you. Anyway are you in or do you sill want to hurt Taylor some more because to be honest I hate seeing her cry” his words made me cringe. I always hate seeing her cry. I remember when she was seven and she fell of her bike and hurt her knee. I did every think in my power to stop her pain. I even kissed her knee hoping that would help, and to think right now I’m the one hurting her instead of helping. That just made my mood worse.

“yeah I’ll help. I’ll be there right when she goes on then maybe Trish wont see me. Iv been trying to avoid her all day so far” I explain getting up off my bed.

“Okay see you then” we both hung up after that. I hope I can fix every thing. I walked over my window and picked up my note pad that has all of my notes to Taylor that were for our window conversation. It took me awhile but I found one note that Taylor never got to read. It was back in freshmen year before all this drama took place. When it was only me, Taylor and Levi against the school. Back before I joined the football team. Back before I even knew Trish -even though we all grew up in the same town doesn’t mean you know everyone.

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