You Belong With ME! Chapter 26

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      Before Trish's dad could even say a word Levi ran to me and grabbed my arm, smiled at Trish and her dad before saying "we have to go." he pulled me away running as fast as we could. I could hear the principle yelling behind us that this isn't over. I looked over my shoulder and seen police walking us behind him, "oh it's so over" I giggled to myself. By time we got to the parking lot we were out of breath and laughing.

"I can't believe we did that. I am so glad I won't have to see him anymore. Did you see the cops behind him?" I said getting my breathing under control.

"Yeah I seen them coming that's why I grabbed you." Levi huffed out.

"Do you know where the rest of the gang are?" I asked while looking around the parking lot. Only to realize that half time is over and the game must have resumed.

"Luke is back on the field and the rest are in the stand. Are you ready to head back?" he asked while looking back towards the entrance of the field.

"Yeah I better before I get in trouble for not being in my spot" We headed back to the stands as fast as we could before anyone will realize I'm gone. The rest of the game went on without an issue. We won by one touchdown thanks to Luke. By time I packed everything away everyone in the stands were pretty much gone. I started heading towards the exit when I see Aimee, Levi and Joel waiting for me.

"What are you guys still doing here? I thought you would have left by now?" I asked walking closer to them.

"And not say goodbye to my best friend! Who do you think I am?" Aimee said dramatically while putting her hand to her heart.

"We wanted to see if you needed a ride home" Joel butted in before I could say anything to Aimee.

"My mom should be here to pick me up. I swear after today I need to just go home and crash" I let out a big yawn after proving how tired I was.

"I'm right behind you, I need my beauty sleep before the dance tomorrow" Aimee said letting out yawn as well.

"Are you sure you don't want to come to the dance tomorrow love?" Levi asked.

"I'm sure. I'll talk to guys latter. See you at school Monday" I gave everyone a hug and made my way to the parking lot where I see my mom waiting for me.

"How was your day honey? Did we win? How was half time? I'm so sorry I didn't make it" Mom asked and apologized soon as I got in the car. She looked so sad.

"It was good, you didn't miss too much and I'm sure Joel videotaped the whole thing for you." I buckled up and looked at my mom giving her a big smile to reassure her.

By time we made it home I was almost asleep. I dragged myself out the car - not even caring that I left my clarinet in the car – and headed to my room where my bed was calling to me.

The next morning I woke up just before noon. I stretched before getting up and ready for the day. I went down stairs to find something to eat only to find my mom making sandwiches.

"Good morning honey, I made you a sandwich." She placed my sandwich in front of me on the counter, I thanked her before taking my seat at the table "So are you sure you don't want to go to the dance today?" She asked while sitting and taking a bite of her own sandwich.

"I'm sure mom, I'm just going to work on my project today." After finishing my sandwich, I put my plate in the sink and about to go back to my room when mom stopped me.

"Wait, I almost forgot these came into the mail today" She quickly got up from the table and handed me a box before putting her own plate in the sink. I looked down at the box and noticed that it was my contact lenses that I have been patiently waiting for.

"Thank you" I said giving my mom a hug before going to my room. I Looked around and noticed how messy my room was and decided I needed to clean real quickly before I get started on my homework. After about an hour of cleaning my room finally looked somewhat normal. I sat on my bed and looked at the time. It was only half past two my friends should be getting ready about now for the dance. I looked out the window and noticed Luke's curtains were closed so I couldn't see if he was in his room. I wonder if who he is taking to the dance since he broke up with Trish. Since I lied to everyone about having a big project I grabbed my books instead and decided I should study for the big test coming up. When I finally had enough history, I looked at the clock again it was now six o'clock and the dance was about to start. I looked over at the window and noticed Luke sitting on his bed wearing his suit with his note pad and sharpie in his hand. So hurried and grabbed mine as well, as soon as I looked up he flipped his note pad over for me to read.

'You going tonight?'

'No, studying'

'Wish you were!'

Before I could write anything back, Luke got up grabbed his coat and walked out of his room. He looked so disappointed that I was not going. I flipped through all the pages on my note pad and stopped on the one that said 'I LOVE YOU' on it. After everything we've been through in the last month you would think I would have the guts to tell him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It's now or never, I thought to myself as I pushed myself off my bed and ran down stairs to find mom in the living room having a glass a wine reading a book.

"Mom" I called out timidly as I walked closer to her "I need your help"

"What do you need help with honey?" She asked while marking the page in her book for later.

"I decided to go to the dance but I don't have a dress" I told her.

"Come on, go do your hair and makeup and you let me worry about the dress" She quickly got up and grabbed my hand pulling up the stairs and pushing me into my room. "Hurry up and I'll be right back. She turned around and walked out.

Here goes nothing. 

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