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hey peeps sorry for not uploading any sooner my computer is a of piece of crap. I so need a new one and soon.

well any way here you go hope you enjoy your reading don't for get the 3 most important things you need to do:

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Ch 11

(Taylor POV)

I woke up this mornning feeling worse then i have since school started. I don't know if it's because i still don't have a song to sing for today football game or if it's because i have to sing at the football game, or i could be that I have this huge headach coming on and i have to wake up to go to school, and with that last thought i got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for school.

Right now I'm sitting out sind on the park bench waiting for the bus to come and take me to prison, hell, insane asylum or what ever the hell you want to call school.


I screamed and jumped up off the bench and turned around to see Luke laughing his ass off.

"That was so not funny" I said with my hand over my heart trying to slow it down before i have a heat attack.

"You should have seen your face. It was pricless" Luke said sitll laughing and rolling around on the ground.

"ha ha yeah you can stop now" i rolled my eyes and sat back down on the bench.

"so what were you thinking so hard about that you didn't even see me coming up behind you" Luke asked getting up off the ground to sitting next to me.

"nothing much just thinking about the whole band thing i mean today not only do i have to play the clarinet durring the game for the school band but then durring half time i have to sing one song with my band out on the side line where the cheerleaders cheer. and the i won't even have enough time to change. and the same thing will have to happen durring the homecomming game and durring that one i have to sing 2 songs and one of thous songs will have to be one of my own, and you know how i don't want to sing in front of every body. I mean it's not really stage fright it's more like will everyone will like my songs, or even my singing" I started tell luke every thing that I was thinking. And Luke who just sat their listening to every word i was saying just like he always had when we were yonger and we had a problem.

"hey hey hey, you'll do just find and i am pretty sure we can figure something out for the hommcomming football game half time show. okay and everyone will love your singing. your great at it" Luke said while putting his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eyes. he only does this if he very serious about something.

"really. You think so?" I asked just to make sure that what he said was the truth

"Would I lie to" Luke look right into my eyes when he said that

"Well..." I started to rub my chin and looked up to the sky like was thinking about "Now that I think about it"

"hey I would never lie to you, You know that i all ways tell you the truth no matter how hard it is" Luke faked hurt by opening his eyes wide and mouth open and his hand over his heart.

"I know. I just like messing with you" I said laughing at his facial expression. I looked back at Luke and he had on a evil smile that i knew too well.

"don't you dear Luke or you will not come with us during lunch to practice" I told him as i moved down the bench.

"fine by me" he said and then started to tikle me so much that had to pee

"please.... stop.... the bus... is.. going be here soon" I said between laughs

"not until you amit that i am a God and you are my little monkey that lives in a zoo" he said tikling me some more

"okay, okay your win, you are god and i am your little monkey that lives in a zoo" and with that stoped tikleing me. "you are so evil, you are so not comming with us during lunch to pratice that means you won't know what song were going to sign to night at the game"

"awww you know how much like suprises" he said with a pouty face and his arm crossed.

"Just as much as i hate being tikled"

just then the bus came and i had to get aperently Trish was picking up Luke a littel late saying she slept in. more like slept out. meaning she was with another guy or is it the same one from the football team? i have no idea i lost track of the guys she slept with while with Luke. I think Luke is too sweet to break her heart Oh, wait she dosen't have a heart so must something else.

school has been taking for ever right now i am sitting in band class with Levi and Joel wait for the bell to ring so that we can meet up Aimee at lunch figure out what song to sing at tonight game and then practice untill end of free period.

"what is taking so long for the stuped bell to ring" asked no one in purticular.

"maybe if you actually stop looking at it the time will speed up alittle" Joel answered

"yeah whats the rush today love?" Levi asked he was sitting right behind me by the drums and Jole was a little behind me to the left. we only have 2 minutes left until class is over with but we have to meet right back here after we eat lunch and then we have to meet back here after school to be ready the football game. which reminds me.

"hey guys do we have an actra band uniform?" I asked with a small smile

"ummm. i think so. Why?" Joel asked

"because Aimee will need something to wear that will match us since me and Levi will be in our uniforms when we play at half time" i said and right then the bell rang.


well i hope you enjoyed the reading i am sorry if there is any missed speeled words

i know that this is not one of my best work but i promise that you will like the next chapter.

it might have lukes POV in the next one.

in the next chapter taylor is going to do somthing to Trish during lunch

so don't forget to do the 3 things i told you to do befor reading

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