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(Sorry for any mistakes I made this has not been proof read or edited.)

Sorry to all my fans but it’s been busy here with my b-day passing and family being the hospital it’s just been a hectic month for every one.

Chapter 18

After the game -that of course we won- I left the bleachers faster then what I did during half time, so that I didn’t have to talk to anyone but that still didn’t stop any of my class mate that I passed by whispering and giggling about me. I guess my 10 min of fame from singing is long gone, now I’m the laughing stock of the whole school or should I say town since half of the town is here. I’m just thankful that my parents are out of town and that they couldn’t come to this game or I would be even more embarrass or ashamed since they no nothing about my school life.

I quickly got to my moms car that she let me borrow for the weekend while they were away and drove home quickly and safely as I could with out getting a ticket or into a car accident. As soon as I got home I ran inside and locked the doors and window behind me and turned off my phone that has been ringing since I left. I went to the kitchen and to the freezer and grabbed my true friend Ben & Jerry ice cream to help calm my nerves before heading up stairs to my room where I plan to be hiding this whole weekend. This night was not how I planed for it to gone. Luke was suppose to be my best friend not my enemy. We did every thing together, told everything to each other. So how is it he was playing me all this time? I just don’t under stand anymore. I use to trust him with everything and now I can’t even stand to look at him.

By this time I realized that was crying and that my ice cream was turning into soup, not bother eating it any more I went and set it in the bathroom sink so that it doesn’t leak any were. I sat back down on my bed with my lyric book and started to write down the song that been playing in my head since I got home.


I woke up to my alarm blaring threw my ear waking me up from the nightmare I’ve been having since that awful Friday night. My whole weekend was spent laying around the house doing absolutely nothing, writing in my song book, listening to music, and ignoring every phone call and text from my friends. Hoping I could stall talking to them or seeing any of them.

I turned off my alarm and got ready for school. I put on some plan jeans and T-shirt that says ‘I suffer from PMS… Putting up with men’s shit!’ I thought it was the perfect shirt to wear today, and then I put a black hoodie over it. My curls were every were but I didn’t really care today and I’m still waiting for my contacts to come. As I looked in the mirror I think to myself how could any one like me? But then I put that thought to the back of my mind and reminded myself that I still had Levi, Aimee, and Joel, who could ask for anything more. I looked at phone for the time and realized I’m running late, grabbed my stuff and ran out the door to catch the bus that had just gotten there. I put my hood up to cover my face so that I didn’t have to see anyone and no one could see me and sat down at the back of the bus. I could hear a couple of the girls sitting in front of me whispering about the game Friday.

“I can’t believe he pretended to her friend for all those years” girl number one said

“It had to be some kind a world record to be friend with a geek that long and I can’t believe she can sing” girl number 2 whispered back

“I bet she was lip singing the whole time” girl number one said

“you know what that could be true” number 2 said

I stopped listening to what they were saying. How could anyone think that I was lip singing it’s bad enough that I had to singing in front of every one but to be called a liar about it, is just plan mean. as the bus pulled up to the school every one started to get up as I just sat there waiting for every one else to get off. I grabbed my clarinet and bag and stood up to follow. ’I guess it’s time to face the music’ I thought to myself.

YOU BELONG WITH ME! (Taylor Swift Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu